All Of Publications(Limit:College of Education、Proceedings、2010-2019)

Showing 51-75 of 135
Date Title Author Type Full Text(downloads)
2015-12 Effect of knowledge building pedagogy on student` reading comprehension Wang, Chinghua conference web page(572)
2016-07 Institutional management, working condition and academic contribution in Asian higher education JUNG-CHENG CHEN、JUNG-CHENG CHEN、JUNG-CHENG CHEN、Peng, Michael Yao Ping conference web page(635)
2016-06 Fostering more informed epistemic views among students through knowledge building HUANG-YAO HONGHUANG-YAO HONGHUANG-YAO HONG、Tsai, Ching Chung、Lin, Chiupin、Wu, Ying Tien conference web page(731)
2016-06 Effects of knowledge building activities on student` writing performance 林顯達、HUANG-YAO HONG、Wang, Ching Hua、Lin, Hsien Ta、Li, Pei Jung、Yang, I. Ting、HUANG-YAO HONG conference web page(676)
2018-03 Validation of the Short Self-Regulation Questionnaire for Taiwanese College Students (TSSRQ) YANG-HSUEH CHENYANG-HSUEH CHEN、Lin, Yu-Ju article pdf(413)
2018-06 Improving Elementary Students’ Literacy through Knowledge Building. HUANG-YAO HONGHUANG-YAO HONG、Lin, Pei-Yi、Ma, Leanne、Chang, Yu-Hui、Chiu-Pin, Lin conference pdf(338)
2018-08 Understanding the effects of online collaborative knowledge-building activities on pre-service teachers’ views of “Learning”: A case study using triple cross-validation analysis. HUANG-YAO HONGHUANG-YAO HONG conference pdf(384)
2018-05 設計思考對師培生科技學科教學整合知能(TPACK)與設計信念的影響 HUANG-YAO HONG、薛智暉 conference pdf(336)
2017-06 國際投資爭端中菸品包裝規範與商標使用爭議之探討—以Philip Morris v. Uruguay案為中心 PEI KAN YANG conference web page(352)
2018-05 國營事業跨國商業活動之競爭議題與新貿易規範之必要性 PEI KAN YANG conference web page(325)
2012-12 應用資料探勘於創造力學習系統 林俊甫、YU-CHU YEH conference pdf(551)
2018-03 The dynamic connectivity of neural networks in value-based creativity YU-CHU YEH、Yeh, Y.*、TSAI-YEN LI、Rega, E. conference
2018-03 The mediation effect of mindful learning during creativity game-based learning YU-CHU YEH、Yeh, Y.*、Chang, H. L.、Lin, C. S.、Chen, S. Y. conference
2019 具性別與多元文化交織敏感度的教育方案設計 —以越南跨文化質性田野研究為例 SHU-CHING LEE、SHU-CHING LEE conference web page(311)
2018 不同群組學生之心理健康測量恆等性與差異研究 陳智修、Chen, Chih-Hsiu conference web page(212)
2018 主觀評估能準確預測考試焦慮嗎?以控制-價值論為例 陳智修、Chen, Chih-Hsiu conference web page(184)
2018 再探同儕關係與心理健康的關聯性:以高中情障生為例 陳智修、Chen, Chih-Hsiu conference web page(241)
2013 注意力控制論之實務驗證:考試憂慮及其相關變項對國文成績的影響 陳智修、Chen, Chih-Hsiu conference web page(226)
2013 英文能力與試題計分規則對猜題傾向、試題難度、試題鑑別度的影響 陳智修、Chen, Chih-Hsiu conference web page(212)
2018 英語字彙音韻記憶策略結合注意力訓練對國中學習障礙學生之教學成效 陳智修、Chen, Chih-Hsiu conference web page(200)
2018 變通式「系統思考與解決問題」素養評量之初探 陳智修、Chen, Chih-Hsiu conference web page(234)
2017-07 Body image prevention in female adolescent students: A dynamic movement psycho-education program. TSUNG-CHIN LEE、TSUNG-CHIN LEE、CHUNG-HSIN CHIANG conference web page(445)
2016-07 Body image prevention in female college students: A dynamic movement psychoeducation program. TSUNG-CHIN LEE、TSUNG-CHIN LEE conference web page(319)
2015-07 Promoting joint attention for toddlers with autism spectrum disorder: A dynamic movement-based joint engagement model. TSUNG-CHIN LEE、TSUNG-CHIN LEE conference web page(253)
2018 建立青少女身體意象之研究 TSUNG-CHIN LEE、TSUNG-CHIN LEE conference pdf(209)