All Of Publications(Limit:College of Education、Proceedings)

Showing 751-775 of 959
日期 題名 Author Type Full Text(downloads)
2020-06 The influences of creativity mindset on self-efficacy in game-based creativity learning 葉玉珠Yeh, Yu-chu、Ting, Yu-Shan conference pdf(208)
2020-08 Making the most of student reflections for internship supervision and assessment 邱美秀、Chiu, May-Hsiu conference pdf(205)
2016-01 偏鄉國民教育之現狀與未來展望 鄭同僚、Cheng, Tung-Liao conference pdf(147)
2019-12 發展學習環境評估量表之檢測 鄭同僚、Cheng, Tung-Liao conference pdf(134)
2019-05 實驗教育與大專特殊選才 鄭同僚、Cheng, Tung-Liao conference pdf(118)
2019-05 實驗教育與社會正義 鄭同僚、Cheng, Tung-Liao conference pdf(269)
2019-05 實驗教育審議基準與評鑑 鄭同僚、Cheng, Tung-Liao conference pdf(121)
2020-09 Challenges, Impacts and Crisis Management on Higher education and Quality Assurance under and after COVID-19 Crisis: Redefining Roles of Quality Assurance Networks and Quality Assurance Agencies 侯永琪、Hou, Angela Yung Chi conference pdf(230)
2020-05 IQA of Training for Research –Taiwan Case 侯永琪、Hou, Angela Yung Chi conference pdf(223)
2020-12 卓蘭高中在智慧校園活化的運用—以「飛行創思教室」 張智惟 conference pdf(210)
2020-12 2020AI智慧校園的規劃與建置 湯志民Tang, Tyh-Min conference pdf(282)
2018-12 學校建築美學營造之初探 楊茵茵 conference 說明頁(338)
2017-08 Classroom Management in Transition: Challenges from Gender and Multicultural Perspectives 李淑菁、Lee, Shu-Ching conference pdf(152)
2019-11 Conceptualizing design thinking as a knowledge creation model in teaching context 洪煌堯Hong, Huang-Yao conference pdf(124)
2019-11 Exploring the relationship between preservice teacher`s design behaviours and their design belief 洪煌堯Hong, Huang-Yao conference pdf(157)
2019-11 The Discourse of Preservice Teachers on Designing an Online Learning Course 洪煌堯Hong, Huang-Yao conference pdf(176)
2020-11 The Effect of Pre-Service Teacher’s Knowledge-Building Activities on their TPACK Knowledge and Design Belief 洪煌堯Hong, Huang-Yao conference pdf(142)
2020-04 Academic identity formation of Taiwan academics and its influence over career trajectories 胡悅倫Hu, Yueh-Luen conference pdf(131)
2020-03 Effects of university governance and academic identity towards faculty job stress, satisfaction, and performance in Taiwan 胡悅倫Hu, Yueh-Luen conference pdf(450)
2020-01 Factors predicting doctoral students` future career perspectives: An initial look into the role of academic identities 胡悅倫Hu, Yueh-Luen conference pdf(432)
2020-12 「KIRCU」教師自我管理能力在英語教學的運用之研究 曾如敏、Tseng, Ju-Ming conference pdf(192)
2019-01 探究大學建築與空間規劃 – 以台灣一所大學為例 曾如敏、Tseng, Ju-Ming conference
2020-12 智慧教室運用在英語科課程與教學變革推動成效之研究 曾如敏、Tseng, Ju-Ming conference pdf(84)
2021-01 環境教育運用於英語科與教學變革推動的成效 曾如敏、Tseng, Ju-Ming conference pdf(187)
2019-07 高中線上補救教學實施探析—以基隆高中為例 張智惟 conference pdf(160)