All Of Publications(Limit:Periodical Articles、2010-2019)

Showing 14651-14675 of 15427
Date Title Author Type Full Text(downloads)
2011-04 Measurement invariance in mentoring research: A cross-cultural examination across Taiwan and the U.S. CHANG-YA HU、 Pellegrini, Ekin K. 、 Scandura, Terri A.、CHANG-YA HU、Ekin K. Pellegrini、Terri A. Scandura article pdf(1207)
2017-03 Facebook Posts as Complementary Teaching Material for a French University Course in Taiwan. BERNARD MONTONERIBERNARD MONTONERI article pdf(537)
2014.04 「日間住院」之理賠爭議  ──評臺灣高等法院花蓮分院一○二年度保險上易字第一號判決 KUAN-CHUN CHANG article web page(1094)
2011-08 Conceptual metaphors in gesture Kawai Chui article pdf(2106)
2015-07 工資債權給付、雇主義務與國家責任的確認與妥協----勞基法部分條文修正(2015/1/20立法院三讀)之政策解讀 LIANG-JUNG LIN article web page(323)
2018-09 Diminution in Property Values Caused by Structure Defect- Concepts and Calculation TZU-CHIN LINTZU-CHIN LIN article pdf(531)
2015-01 Attitudinal and behavioral indicators influencing employment decisions among married and single mothers in Taipei, Taiwan MEI-O HSIEHMEI-O HSIEH、Leung, Patrick article web page(835)
2011-12 物之瑕疵擔保責任之再探─以凶宅案為例:評臺灣臺北地方法院九十九年度訴字第二一八號民事判決 MIN-EN HSIANG article web page(76)
2016-08 台糖訴請大統公司賠償違約金案──彰化地院104年度重訴字第31號判決評析 CHENG-HSIEN HSU article web page(295)
2015-12 Codas of Creation: Emanation Mysticism and Alchemical Regeneration in Terrence Malick’s The Tree of Life JOHN MICHAEL CORRIGAN article pdf(847)
2017-10 台湾における移行期正義のあり方─「政党不正財産処理法」を例として TZONG-DER LIOU article pdf(378)
2017-10 Transnational Farmland Acquisition in the International Political Economy: Towards a Better Understanding of Theory, Approach, and Governance YI-CHUN LINYI-CHUN LIN article pdf(490)
2010-01 哥本哈根氣候變遷會議的觀察與研析 陳嘉生 article pdf(315)
2011 誰比較有機會接受職業訓練? 性別與教育程度、世代、省籍的影響分析 彭莉惠、張峰彬、RAY-MAY HSUNG article web page(1054)
2013-11 Insurance bargaining under ambiguity Huang, R.J.、Huang, Y.-C.、Tzeng, Larry Y article pdf(938)
2016-11 A conceptual model for assessing blog-based learning system success in the context of business education TZUNG-I TANGTZUNG-I TANG、Li, Ci Rong、Yeh, Ching Hsuan、Cheng, Shin Tzu、Chiou, Chei Chang、Tang, Yu Cheng、TZUNG-I TANG article pdf(600)
2011.12 《原教界》的誕生 SIU-THEH LIMSIU-THEH LIM article pdf(576)
2010-09 次貸危機的成因、擴散機理、發展走向及啟示 尹忠明、Yin, Zhong-Ming、付竹、Fu, Zhu article pdf(182)
2010-06 「人類共同遺產」原則與「共有資源」管理:概念定位與制度要素之比較研究 WEN-CHEN SHIH article pdf(394)
2014-12 國際關係理論反思性、反思現實主義理論之研究 莫大華、Mo, Ta-hua article pdf(538)
2012-03 農技援助之外: 小中國對非洲的大想像 HSIAO PONG LIUHSIAO PONG LIU article pdf(361)
2018-12 《宋代圖書易學之重要輯著——《大易象數鈎深圖》與《周易圖》一系圖說析論》記後 RUI- HONG CHEN、Chen, Jui-hung article web page(421)
2018-11 Calling as a predictor of life satisfaction: The roles of psychological capital, work-family enrichment, and boundary management strategy CHO EUNAE、Cho, Eunae、Choi, Ye Eun、Jung, Ha Jin、Sohn, Young Woo article web page(21)
2012.04 Significant role of the DNA backbone in mediating the transition origin of electronic excitations of B-DNA - implication from long range corrected TDDFT and quantified NTO analysis 郭光宇、Guo, Guang-Yu article pdf(1212)
2015-12 "Literature and Society──Proceedings of the First Conference on `One Hundred Year Reflection of the New Culture Movement`" 汪楊、Wang, Yang article pdf(510)