All Of Publications(Limit:Department of Chinese Literature)

Showing 4551-4575 of 5036
Date Title Author Type Full Text(downloads)
2017-07 編輯的巧合與隱性的專輯 HSING-CHIEN CHEHSING-CHIEN CHE article pdf(172)
2020-12 顧頡剛先生逝世四十週年紀念專輯前言 HSING-CHIEN CHEHSING-CHIEN CHE article web page(165)
2018-11 出入於呂珍玉教授的奇幻《詩經》世界中 HSING-CHIEN CHEHSING-CHIEN CHE book/chapter web page(277)
2021-10 神思與物色:《文心雕龍》論詩人之心 YING-CHIEH CHEN、YING-CHIEH CHEN multimedia
2016-06 2015王夢鷗教授學術講座演講集--序2 HSING-CHIEN CHEHSING-CHIEN CHE other pdf(215)
2022 Pre-Qin Confucianism thought of “Yi”and order construction:Focus on “Xunzi” 陳佳榮、Chen, Jia-Rong thesis pdf(221)
2022 A Study of Ni Shi-Yi`s Collected Exegesis of the Four Books (Si Shu Ji Shi)--Research on Context,Ordinance,and Effect 杜翌靖、Tu, I-Ching thesis pdf(0)
2022 A Study of Wang Fuzhi’s “Fallen Petals” Poems 張豔、Zhang, Yan thesis pdf(139)
2022 A study of Events in Late Bin Group Period in BinChu Category Oracle-bone Inscriptions CHUNG-CHENG HSIEH、Hsieh, Chung-Cheng thesis pdf(118)
2022 張藍允 thesis pdf(50)
2022 A Study On Seven-character Poems of Chen Zengshou 尹諾、Nuo, Yin thesis pdf(52)
2022 Bao Zhao’s Nature Poetics 葉爾珈、Yeh, Er-Jia thesis pdf(86)
2022 The Study of Ancient Chinese Hanjoki Style in the Meiji Period 施柔妤、Shih, Rou-yu thesis pdf(176)
2022 A Study on the Newly-adapted Plays of Chang Yi Ge Puppetry Troupe from Chiayi City 林家如、Lin, Jia-Ru thesis pdf(99)
2022 Formosa and Ngaba as Spaces In-Between: A Comparison of Jer-sheng Yuan and A-lai’s Fiction 婁吉、Ji, Lou thesis pdf(146)
2022 The mise-en-scene of performance in Hou Hsiao-Hsien’s films 蔡宜汎、Tsai, I-Fan thesis pdf(155)
2022 Shangshan Sihao: Historical Memory and Cultural Imagination of Song, Jin and Yuan Literature YU-TSE LIN、Lin, Yu-Tse thesis pdf(146)
2022 The Change of Writing Style:The Daily Writing and The Construction of Knowledge of Shan Shi-li and Shi Shu-i 邱芸怡、Chiu, yun-yi thesis pdf(148)
2022 A Research on the Etymology and Culture of Abusive Words in Yuan Dynasty Opera 鄭絜齡、Cheng, Jie-Ling thesis pdf(0)
2022 The Research of The Image and Taiwan Contemporary Religious Practices of Hehe Erxian 廖如慧、Liao, Ru-Huei thesis pdf(0)
2022 A study of the collection of Tang Dynasty novels Xiaoxiang Lu 林起生、Lin, Chi-Sheng thesis pdf(97)
2022 Research on Dream Books and Their Cultural Implications: Focusing on Meng Zhan Yizhi 詹珮蓉、Chan, Pei-Rong thesis pdf(88)
2019-10 視覺奇觀與權力地理--《點石齋畫報》緬甸的空間政治與文化敘事 WEN-HUEI CHENGWEN-HUEI CHENG book/chapter web page(23)
2021-12 《點石齋畫報》的圖層結構與圖/文/印的互文性研究 WEN-HUEI CHENG、邱偉雲 conference web page(163)
2021-10 道脈延伸――明代蔡清《四書蒙引》道統觀考察 FENG-YUAN CHEN conference web page(155)