All Of Publications(Limit:College of Communication)

Showing 7151-7175 of 8638
Date Title Author Type Full Text(downloads)
1989-04 優異的「第二代」[評汪琪、鍾蔚文著《第二代媒介--傳播革命之後》] 鄭瑞城 article pdf(801)
2015 The Construction of Cultural Creativity-oriented Indicators for Tourism Factories 胡馨文、Hu, Hsin Wen thesis pdf(621)pdf(585)
1995 新聞事業與新聞人員的專業地位 VEN-HWEI LO conference
1996 CIES:A Knowledge-Based Approach to Monitoring Competitive Dymamic FONG-KANG CHU conference
2001-07 A Niche Analysis of the Web Catalogs and Retail Stores as Marketing Channels: A Comparison of Taiwan and US CHENG KUO、李海容、黃振家 conference
2014 社會化媒體時代下網絡謠言的傳播與治理 戴海波 article pdf(1379)
2016-06 On the interactive mechanism between the Media and the Mediatization 戴海波、Dai, Hai-Bo、Sun, Yi-Ni conference pdf(232)
2007-07 New wave feminism or the same old story? A critical exploration of the transforming pro-woman TV discourse and audience reception in Taiwan NIEN-HSUAN FANG conference
2009 Splash pages effects on website design: using it or not, display time and vividness. 宋明琪 thesis pdf(442)pdf(284)pdf(328)
2005 在荒原裡尋找玫瑰:參與、實驗、觀察夢的創造力 WEN-LING CHEN、呂旭亞、洪素珍 report pdf(2189)
2010-09 反制全球暖化政策的媒體角色 SUMEI WANG conference
1975 閱聽人生活方式與其使用大眾傳播媒介之關連性 林東泰、Lin, Dong-Tai thesis web page(427)
2017 On court foreign helper, off court New Taiwanese? the Influence and media representation of naturalized athletes 梁孝源、Liang, Hsiao Yuan thesis pdf(1233)
2018-11 A Study of the Elderly’s Using Intention and Operating Behavior on Smart Mobile Devices Fan, Ya-Fen、PEI-JUNG CHENG、Pei-JungCheng 會議論文 web page(543)
1999 電視新聞的日常生活建構 藍淑芬 thesis web page(637)
2009 Country and product images of Taiwan among the Czech people: the role of country and product familiarity 楊伯瑞、Borek Janecek thesis pdf(1523)
1985 電視新聞製作與平衡報導 馬政、YU-LI LIU、Ma, Cheng、YU-LI LIU book/chapter web page(1239)
1995-07 政黨就地分贓媒體資源? 鄭瑞城 article
2018-04 文化是否有前瞻屬性? SHENG-CHIH CHENSHENG-CHIH CHEN article web page(301)
2013 洪荒三疊 YU-FEN KO book/chapter web page(411)
1996-06 Staging Public Television in Taiwan:the Party-State TV Industries and the Academics CHIEN-SAN FENG conference
2006 推動數位典藏人文社會經濟產業發展分項計畫---子計畫三:數位典藏學術應用與文化傳佈計畫 SHIEU-CHI WENGNIEN-HSUAN FANGSE-WEN SUN report pdf(2102)
2015-07 沉默的框架:框架理論六十年 的時間脈絡與空間想象 王彥 conference pdf(5678)
2022 Urban middle-class fathers’ strategies of performative fatherhood on Facebook 黃婕恩、Huang, Jie-En thesis pdf(157)
2018-09 Marine Litter Photo Essay by Yueh-Gang Wu: Photo-fragmentation YUEH-GANG WUYUEH-GANG WU multimedia web page(972)