All Of Publications(Limit:College of Communication)

Showing 7176-7200 of 8662
Date Title Author Type Full Text(downloads)
2014 社會化媒體時代下網絡謠言的傳播與治理 戴海波 article pdf(1379)
2009 Splash pages effects on website design: using it or not, display time and vividness. 宋明琪 thesis pdf(442)pdf(284)pdf(328)
2005 在荒原裡尋找玫瑰:參與、實驗、觀察夢的創造力 WEN-LING CHEN、呂旭亞、洪素珍 report pdf(2189)
2007-07 New wave feminism or the same old story? A critical exploration of the transforming pro-woman TV discourse and audience reception in Taiwan NIEN-HSUAN FANG conference
2010-09 反制全球暖化政策的媒體角色 SUMEI WANG conference
1975 閱聽人生活方式與其使用大眾傳播媒介之關連性 林東泰、Lin, Dong-Tai thesis web page(429)
2018-11 A Study of the Elderly’s Using Intention and Operating Behavior on Smart Mobile Devices Fan, Ya-Fen、PEI-JUNG CHENG、Pei-JungCheng 會議論文 web page(556)
2017 On court foreign helper, off court New Taiwanese? the Influence and media representation of naturalized athletes 梁孝源、Liang, Hsiao Yuan thesis pdf(1233)
1999 電視新聞的日常生活建構 藍淑芬 thesis web page(641)
2009 Country and product images of Taiwan among the Czech people: the role of country and product familiarity 楊伯瑞、Borek Janecek thesis pdf(1523)
1985 電視新聞製作與平衡報導 馬政、YU-LI LIU、Ma, Cheng、YU-LI LIU book/chapter web page(1239)
1995-07 政黨就地分贓媒體資源? 鄭瑞城 article
2013 洪荒三疊 YU-FEN KO book/chapter web page(419)
2018-04 文化是否有前瞻屬性? SHENG-CHIH CHENSHENG-CHIH CHEN article web page(310)
1996-06 Staging Public Television in Taiwan:the Party-State TV Industries and the Academics CHIEN-SAN FENG conference
2006 推動數位典藏人文社會經濟產業發展分項計畫---子計畫三:數位典藏學術應用與文化傳佈計畫 SHIEU-CHI WENGNIEN-HSUAN FANGSE-WEN SUN report pdf(2130)
2015-07 沉默的框架:框架理論六十年 的時間脈絡與空間想象 王彥 conference pdf(5678)
2022 Urban middle-class fathers’ strategies of performative fatherhood on Facebook 黃婕恩、Huang, Jie-En thesis pdf(160)
2018-09 Marine Litter Photo Essay by Yueh-Gang Wu: Photo-fragmentation YUEH-GANG WUYUEH-GANG WU multimedia web page(987)
2021-09 Oxford COVID-19 Vaccine Hesitancy in School Principals: Impacts of Gender, Well-Being, and Coronavirus-Related Health Literacy SHENG-CHIH CHENSHENG-CHIH CHEN、Duong, Tuyen Van、Lin, Cheng-Yu、Huang, Yung-Kai、Okan, Orkan、Dadaczynski, Kevin、Lai, Chih-Feng article pdf(286)
2022-06 Representations of Older Adults in the News: A News Framing and Content Analysis of Taiwan`s Apple Daily YI-CHIEH LIN、林璟筠、Lin, Jessica Yi-chieh、Lin, Ching-yun article web page(223)
1996-03 臺灣地區廣播事業之現況及未來展望 SHANG-REN KWAN article
1987-01 美國大學「學生報紙」新聞自由問題 李瞻 article pdf(697)
2001-12 公辦政見會及辯論會的必要性探討 TZU-LEONG CHENG article pdf(986)
2003 政府危機事件媒體溝通研究-以行政院環保署處理「阿瑪斯號貨輪油污事件」為例 王紫薇 thesis pdf(850)pdf(859)pdf(809)pdf(1104)pdf(3002)pdf(920)pdf(2384)pdf(971)pdf(977)pdf(1112)pdf(1867)