All Of Publications(Limit:College of Education、2010-2019)

Showing 626-650 of 2025
Date Title Author Type Full Text(downloads)
2010-11 測驗建置流程及新概念 MIN-NING YU、Yu, Min-Ning book/chapter web page(707)
2010 原住民校園文化藝術的表現 CHIH-MIN TANG article pdf(762)
2011-01 臺灣學校建築的百年蛻變 CHIH-MIN TANG article pdf(876)
2011-12 跨世紀百年學校校園新貌 CHIH-MIN TANG article pdf(784)
2015-01 性別教育:政策與實踐 SHU-CHING LEE book/chapter web page(945)
2014 Teacher-education students develop more student-centered teaching beliefs through knowledge building (accepted) HUANG-YAO HONGHUANG-YAO HONG book/chapter web page(1157)
2011-12 微觀教學--探究奈米世界 CHIN-SHAN LIN、林潔婷、陳美卿、陳靜紋、張淑惠、張薰雲 book/chapter web page(788)
2010-12 敘說尋求「優質學校」的心境思路 CHIN-SHAN LIN book/chapter web page(743)
2014-12 Exploring college students’ cultural view from a knowledge creation perspective HUANG-YAO HONGHUANG-YAO HONGHUANG-YAO HONG article pdf(983)
2014-12 男性與女性在不公平戀愛關係之修補公平策略 徐子晨、WAN-CHEN CHEN、鍾珮純 article web page(907)
2014-12 透過知識創新教學以培養國小學生自然課合作學習與翻新想法的習慣 HUANG-YAO HONG、蔡佩真、林倍伊、HUANG-YAO HONG、Tsa, Pei-Chen、Lin, Pei-Yi article pdf(811)
2014-09 關係理論取向諮商中個案因應內在依賴衝突之分析 WAN-CHEN CHEN、蔡依玲、黃惠惠、吳國慶、WAN-CHEN CHEN、Tsai, Yi-Ling、Huang, Huei-Huei、Wu, Kuo-Ching article pdf(737)
2013-12 「考試表現歸因量表」編製之研究 WAN-CHEN CHEN、黃筱涵、蔡麗珍、蔡依玲、WAN-CHEN CHEN、Huang, Hsiao-Han、Tsai, Li-Chen、Tsai, Yi-Ling article pdf(617)
2010-09 形塑「專業發展學校」可行性策略之探討 CHIN-SHAN LINCHIN-SHAN LIN article pdf(631)
2010.09 曖昧.謙卑與參化-新世紀之世界觀教育 TSAO-LIN FONGTSAO-LIN FONG book/chapter web page(672)
2011-02 Perfectionism Implicit Theories of Intelligence and Taiwanese Eighth-Grade Students`` Academic Engagement SHU-SHEN SHIHSHU-SHEN SHIH article
2014-09 An examination of academic coping among Taiwanese adolescents SHU-SHEN SHIHSHU-SHEN SHIH article pdf(992)
2012-04 Autonomy support vs. psychological control, perfectionism, and Taiwanese adolescents’ achievement goals SHU-SHEN SHIHSHU-SHEN SHIH article pdf(1127)
2012-05 An examination of academic burnout vs. work engagement among Taiwanese adolescents SHU-SHEN SHIHSHU-SHEN SHIH article pdf(1124)
2010-09 多向度完美主義對國中生使用正、負向學習策略之預測效應 SHU-SHEN SHIHSHU-SHEN SHIH article pdf(312)
2010-06 父母態度、教師之自主支持及心理控制與國中生完美主義傾向間關係之探究 SHU-SHEN SHIHSHU-SHEN SHIH article web page(636)
2010 Effects of knowledge building on elementary students` views of collaboration Hong, H、-Y、Wang, P、-H、Hong, M、Cha,i C、S、HUANG-YAO HONG conference web page(1117)
2010 Asian creativity, chapter one: Creativity across three Chinese societies JING-JYI WU、Albanese, D.、JING-JYI WU article web page(1736)
2013-10 Applying structural equation modeling methodology to test validation: An example of cyberspace positive psychology scale Yu, S.-C.、Hsu, Wei-Hsin、許薇欣 article pdf(858)
2013-06 Exploring the relationship among principals supervision of instruction, teachers` knowledge sharing and teachers` professional development: A test of the mediated-effects model CHIEN-TSU CHEN、Chen, T.-Y.、CHIEN-TSU CHEN article web page(946)