2012 |
A Study of Mother Parenting Style, Mother-child Attachment and Children`s Social Behavior |
嚴燕楓、Im, In Fong |
thesis |
pdf(3544) |
2012 |
The Study on Optimal Operating Scale of Elementary School and coping strategies in New Taipei City |
楊雅惠 |
thesis |
pdf(1251) |
2012 |
A Study on the Performance Evaluation Indicators for the School Funds of High Schools |
劉家維、Liu, Chia Wei |
thesis |
pdf(1128) |
2012 |
Examining the Effect of Psychological Ownership and Job Satisfaction on Organizational Citizenship Behavior of Junior High School Teachers |
張雅婷、Chang, Ya Ting |
thesis |
pdf(981) |
2012 |
The study of relationship between experience inheritance of mentor principal and school management of principal in Taiwan |
徐崧瑋 |
thesis |
pdf(525) |
2012 |
A Study on Relationship between Principal’s Distributed Leadership and School Innovative Management of the Elementary Schools in New Taipei City |
馬曉蓁 |
thesis |
pdf(315) |
2012 |
Investigate the Effectiveness of Implementation of the Early Childhood Special Education in Taiwan |
林桂霞 |
thesis |
pdf(711) |
2012 |
The Study on the Relationship between Schools’ Organizational justice, Teachers’ organizational citizenship behavior and Teachers’ Job Involvement of Elementary schools in Keelung city |
陳心瑩、Chen, Shin Yin |
thesis |
pdf(308) |
2012 |
A Study on the Relationship among the Principals’ Communication Behavior, Teachers’ Organizational Trust, and Teachers’ Teaching Effectiveness in Junior High School |
呂治中、Lue, Chih Chung |
thesis |
pdf(196) |
2012 |
Research on the Effect of Principals’ Technology Leadership on the Diffusion of Innovations in Smarter Classroomsin Elementary Schools in Taiwan |
何寶妍、Ho, Pao Yen |
thesis |
pdf(833) |
2012 |
A Study on the Relationships among Junior High School Principals’ Innovative Leadership Behavior, Teachers’ Knowledge Management Capability and Effectiveness of School Innovation Management in New Taipei City. |
李俊緯 |
thesis |
pdf(202) |
2012 |
A Study on the Relationships among Principals’ Servant Leadership, School Internal Marketing, and School’s Innovation For Management in Elementary Schools of Yilan County |
thesis |
pdf(781) |
2012 |
Research on the Indicator Construction and Current Investigation of Teachers` Academic Optimism in Junior High Schools |
王建祥 |
thesis |
pdf(821) |
2012 |
A Study of Relationships between Brand Management and School Effectiveness in Public and Private KindergartensA Study of Relationships between Brand Management and School Effectiveness in Public and Private Kindergartens |
邱美惠、Chiu, Mei Hui |
thesis |
pdf(683) |
2010 |
Chaos, searching, and encounter-A study on Gordon’s music learning theory for newborn and young children and it’s practice in the kindergarten |
余蕙君 |
thesis |
pdf(1836) |
2010 |
A study of the relationship between the Kindergarten Teachers’Job Stress, Job Satisfaction and Subjective Well-Being |
洪婷琪 |
thesis |
pdf(1479) |
2010 |
A study of the relationship between the Kindergarten Teachers’ Multicultural Personality, experience and Multicultural Teaching Competence |
李宛霏、Lee, Wan Fei |
thesis |
pdf(762)pdf(1387)pdf(677) |
2010 |
A study on the relationship among teachers’ perception of principals’ servant leadership, school organizational climate, and teachers’ organizational citizenship behavior in junior high school |
呂詩琦、Lu, Shih Chi |
thesis |
pdf(814) |
2010 |
A study of the impact of teacher leadership on elementary and junior high school teachers’ job satisfaction |
陳登隆 |
thesis |
pdf(587)pdf(972) |
2010 |
Research on the relationships between principals’ knowledge leadership and teacher professional development of elementary schools in Taipei City |
康燕玉 |
thesis |
pdf(534) |
2010 |
The relationship among of internal marketing strategies, job satisfaction and teachers’ organizational citizenship behavior in junior high schools |
曾貴珍 |
thesis |
pdf(725) |
2010 |
A study of the relationships between education marketing strategy and affecting students selection of schools-take the public and private senior vocational high schools in Taipei County for example. |
蔡永智 |
thesis |
pdf(413)pdf(848) |
2010 |
The study of working stress, resilience and well-being of the academic directors of elementary school-taking examples in Taoyuan county, Hsinchu county, Hsinchu city, and Maioli county |
鄒家芸 |
thesis |
pdf(713)pdf(1211)pdf(663) |
2010 |
A research on the development of professional indicators for elementary-school teachers |
翁素敏、Wong, Su Min |
thesis |
pdf(855) |
2010 |
A study of the relationship between principals’ competing values leadership behavior and teachers’ organizational commitment in elementary schools. |
卓家意、Cho, Chia Yi |
thesis |
pdf(532) |