All Of Publications(Limit:College of Education、2010-2019)

Showing 226-250 of 2032
Date Title Author Type Full Text(downloads)
2012 A Study of Mother Parenting Style, Mother-child Attachment and Children`s Social Behavior 嚴燕楓、Im, In Fong thesis pdf(3544)
2012 The Study on Optimal Operating Scale of Elementary School and coping strategies in New Taipei City 楊雅惠 thesis pdf(1251)
2012 A Study on the Performance Evaluation Indicators for the School Funds of High Schools 劉家維、Liu, Chia Wei thesis pdf(1128)
2012 Examining the Effect of Psychological Ownership and Job Satisfaction on Organizational Citizenship Behavior of Junior High School Teachers 張雅婷、Chang, Ya Ting thesis pdf(981)
2012 The study of relationship between experience inheritance of mentor principal and school management of principal in Taiwan 徐崧瑋 thesis pdf(525)
2012 A Study on Relationship between Principal’s Distributed Leadership and School Innovative Management of the Elementary Schools in New Taipei City 馬曉蓁 thesis pdf(315)
2012 Investigate the Effectiveness of Implementation of the Early Childhood Special Education in Taiwan 林桂霞 thesis pdf(711)
2012 The Study on the Relationship between Schools’ Organizational justice, Teachers’ organizational citizenship behavior and Teachers’ Job Involvement of Elementary schools in Keelung city 陳心瑩、Chen, Shin Yin thesis pdf(308)
2012 A Study on the Relationship among the Principals’ Communication Behavior, Teachers’ Organizational Trust, and Teachers’ Teaching Effectiveness in Junior High School 呂治中、Lue, Chih Chung thesis pdf(196)
2012 Research on the Effect of Principals’ Technology Leadership on the Diffusion of Innovations in Smarter Classroomsin Elementary Schools in Taiwan 何寶妍、Ho, Pao Yen thesis pdf(833)
2012 A Study on the Relationships among Junior High School Principals’ Innovative Leadership Behavior, Teachers’ Knowledge Management Capability and Effectiveness of School Innovation Management in New Taipei City. 李俊緯 thesis pdf(202)
2012 A Study on the Relationships among Principals’ Servant Leadership, School Internal Marketing, and School’s Innovation For Management in Elementary Schools of Yilan County 諶志銘、CHIH-MING CHEN thesis pdf(781)
2012 Research on the Indicator Construction and Current Investigation of Teachers` Academic Optimism in Junior High Schools 王建祥 thesis pdf(821)
2012 A Study of Relationships between Brand Management and School Effectiveness in Public and Private KindergartensA Study of Relationships between Brand Management and School Effectiveness in Public and Private Kindergartens 邱美惠、Chiu, Mei Hui thesis pdf(683)
2010 Chaos, searching, and encounter-A study on Gordon’s music learning theory for newborn and young children and it’s practice in the kindergarten 余蕙君 thesis pdf(1836)
2010 A study of the relationship between the Kindergarten Teachers’Job Stress, Job Satisfaction and Subjective Well-Being 洪婷琪 thesis pdf(1479)
2010 A study of the relationship between the Kindergarten Teachers’ Multicultural Personality, experience and Multicultural Teaching Competence 李宛霏、Lee, Wan Fei thesis pdf(762)pdf(1387)pdf(677)
2010 A study on the relationship among teachers’ perception of principals’ servant leadership, school organizational climate, and teachers’ organizational citizenship behavior in junior high school 呂詩琦、Lu, Shih Chi thesis pdf(814)
2010 A study of the impact of teacher leadership on elementary and junior high school teachers’ job satisfaction 陳登隆 thesis pdf(587)pdf(972)
2010 Research on the relationships between principals’ knowledge leadership and teacher professional development of elementary schools in Taipei City 康燕玉 thesis pdf(534)
2010 The relationship among of internal marketing strategies, job satisfaction and teachers’ organizational citizenship behavior in junior high schools 曾貴珍 thesis pdf(725)
2010 A study of the relationships between education marketing strategy and affecting students selection of schools-take the public and private senior vocational high schools in Taipei County for example. 蔡永智 thesis pdf(413)pdf(848)
2010 The study of working stress, resilience and well-being of the academic directors of elementary school-taking examples in Taoyuan county, Hsinchu county, Hsinchu city, and Maioli county 鄒家芸 thesis pdf(713)pdf(1211)pdf(663)
2010 A research on the development of professional indicators for elementary-school teachers 翁素敏、Wong, Su Min thesis pdf(855)
2010 A study of the relationship between principals’ competing values leadership behavior and teachers’ organizational commitment in elementary schools. 卓家意、Cho, Chia Yi thesis pdf(532)