All Of Publications(Limit:College of Education)

Showing 6851-6875 of 6931
Date Title Author Type Full Text(downloads)
2022-12 大學生家庭暴力經驗、自尊與憂鬱症狀之相關研究 PEI-YU WU、黃秋瑛、吳美娟 conference web page(51)
2015-05 大學生消沉心態性別差異分析 PEI-YU WU、林清文 conference
2022-05 以日常活動理論探究青少年網路霸凌被害因素 PEI-YU WU、張世樺、吳季樺 conference pdf(115)
2015-05 自律訓練減壓方案成效分析 PEI-YU WU、林清文、張景然 conference
2021-06 自體疾患的酒癮者戒酒歷程:個案報告 PEI-YU WU、張世樺、張凱理 conference pdf(83)
2021-06 疫情期間大學生學習狀況與心理健康之變化:以消沉傾向量表為參照指標 PEI-YU WU、林清文 conference pdf(103)
2022-07 酒癮者的童年逆境經驗、消沉、覺醒及其復原 PEI-YU WU、張世樺 conference pdf(2)
2022-11 酒癮者的童年逆境經驗與消沉歷程 PEI-YU WU、張世樺 conference web page(39)
2021-06 當世界從黑暗回到光明:宗教戒癮的力量 PEI-YU WU、張世樺、陳志芳、張凱理 conference pdf(96)
2016-04 當生命陷落時:從Kohut自體心理學詮釋消沉傾向 PEI-YU WU conference
2023-05 遠距團體諮商成效初探:以帶領練習團體為例 PEI-YU WU conference pdf(101)
2024 Action Research on Critical Questioning in the High School Chinese Literature Teaching Community 李榮哲、Lee, Jung-Che thesis pdf(2)
2024 A Longitudinal Study of School Belonging and Wellbeing in Taiwanese Adolescents 許雅涵、Hsu, Ya-Han thesis pdf(0)
2023 A Study on the Korean Language Learning Process of Students in Advanced Korean Language Classes in Taiwan 崔遺琳、Choi, Yu-Rim thesis pdf(1)
2024 Visual analysis of the knowledge map on teacher professional development 賴荷婷、Lai, Ho-Ting thesis pdf(0)
2024 Deconstructing the "Evil Stepmother": Exploring the Maternal Roles of Three Women in Taiwanese Blended Families 梁芷瑩、Leung, Chi-Ying thesis web page(101)
2023 A Study on the Indicators Construction of New Managerialism Applied in School Management—Take National High School as an Example 蔡宜芸 thesis pdf(3)
2023.07 An analysis of online fatigue, problematic internet use, and perceived learning effectiveness among high school students in the Philippines CHING GREGORY、Ching, Gregory、Gungon, Jenny Lynn book/chapter web page(64)
2023-09 邁向學術研究幸福感之路:教育相關領域研究計畫撰寫與執行心得分享 YU-CHU YEH article web page(61)
2023-09 Developing a framework to re-design writing assignment assessment for the era of large language models MEI-SHIU CHIUMEI-SHIU CHIU、Hsiao, Ya-Ping、Klijn, Nadia article web page(138)
2023-09 The prospective association between emotional reactivity and adolescent suicidal ideation WAN-CHEN CHENWAN-CHEN CHENWAN-CHEN CHEN、Chou, Li-Tuan article web page(91)
2022-10 不同心態之臺灣學生成就動機與數學素養關聯研究 蘇泓誠、陳佳欣、Su, Hung-cheng、Chen, Chia-hsin article web page(107)
2023-07 中小學校長智慧領導、組織向心力與品牌價值關係之研究 CHIN-SHAN LIN、CHIN-SHAN LIN article web page(52)
2023-02 敘說自我探究學習三體共構因應之策略 CHIN-SHAN LIN article web page(61)
2022-10 智慧校園永續創見的策略探究 CHIN-SHAN LIN article web page(59)