All Of Publications(Limit:2000-2009)

Showing 43376-43400 of 44104
Date Title Author Type Full Text(downloads)
2004-12 英美女性主義法學之回顧與展望 ——性別、法律與社會變遷 HSIAO-TAN WANGHSIAO-TAN WANG article pdf(355)
2004 銀行間新台幣兌美元外匯交易流動性與交易成本的分析:台北與元太外匯經紀公司的比較 YUAN-CHEN CHANG report pdf(2142)
2009 轉學考-應數系 98年 應數系 exam pdf(191)
2003 廣告說服中情感與認知的互動效果(1/2) CHING-CHING CHANG report pdf(2440)
2007-07 從古典到正典:中國古代儒學意識之形成 CHI-PING LIN book web page(502)
2009 Conflicts of Interest in the Stock Recommendations of Investment Banks and Their Determinants Shen, Chung-Hua、Chih, Hsiang-Lin、沈中華 article pdf(895)
2007-11 Buffer Management for Multi-Project Scheduling and Control in Critical Chain Project Management CHIEN-CHIH YU conference
2008.05 Nonverbal Communication Skills in Young Children with Autism CHUNG-HSIN CHIANGCHUNG-HSIN CHIANG、Soong,Wei-Tsuen、Lin,Tzu-Ling、Sally J. Rogers article pdf(1160)
2008 A Roadmap for Improved E-government in The Gambia 康娜緹、Conateh, Kumba thesis web page(336)
2005 如何增進低學習成就者英聽能力─以體育生為例 黃永蓮、Huang,, Yung-lien thesis pdf(1360)pdf(1331)pdf(1464)pdf(2457)pdf(8380)pdf(2077)pdf(1583)pdf(2190)pdf(3016)
2001 The Applications of Price-Volume Matching Technical Algorithms on the Taiwan Stock Market 鍾淳豐、Chung, Chun-Feng thesis
2007/10 歐盟憲法與社會公民權 NAI-YI SUN conference
2005-07 A Sustainable Perspective on the Knowledge Economy: A New Vision CHI-ANG LIN conference
2004-11 績效獎酬與分紅制度的變革與未來 JERRY G. FONG article web page(718)
2001-02 Nobel Prize Winner Gao Xingjian and the Literary and Art Policy in the CCP 周玉山、Chou, Yu-Shan article pdf(187)
2006 碩士班-金融所 95年 金融所 exam pdf(302)
2005 Survival Analysis For Recurrent Event Data 王麗芬、Wang,Li-Fen thesis web page(399)
2002-06 淺論電子文件鑑定 LI-KUEI HSUEH、 黃國斌 article web page(1187)
2000 大陸高等學校招收台生制度之相關研究 JUEI-CHI WANGLIU, LIUCHUING CHOU report
2008-06 User Pluggable Animation Components in Multi-user Virtual Environment TSAI-YEN LITSAI-YEN LI conference pdf(581)
2009 碩士班-科技管理研究所 98年 科技管理研究所 exam pdf(204)
2007-11 Promotion of Archives Literacy to the Public : Archives Week/Month and Archives Awareness Month Held in the United States, Canada, and the United Kingdom LI-KUEI HSUEHLI-KUEI HSUEH article pdf(1242)
2004-04 絲慕巴黎 JENG-PEI KUO book/chapter web page(692)
2009 The regional difference of party identification in taiwan`s different ethnic groups 王彥程 thesis pdf(730)