All Of Publications(Limit:2000-2009)

Showing 43626-43650 of 44104
Date Title Author Type Full Text(downloads)
2007 幼稚園品質衡量與地區比較研究─以金門縣、台北縣市為例 蔡卓銀 thesis web page(415)
2006 戰國、秦、西漢時期江陵墓葬研究 徐靜欣 thesis pdf(1325)pdf(2501)pdf(3111)pdf(5056)pdf(5598)pdf(1342)pdf(2215)pdf(1042)
2008-07 港商投資中國區位及產業布局之分析 梁廣榮、Liang, Kuang-Jung article pdf(274)
2003 產業經營與創新政策 YI-CHIA CHIUYI-CHIA CHIUYI-CHIA CHIU book/chapter web page(943)
2007 A Comparison Study of Citation Indexing Database 陳薇竹、Chen, Wei-Chu thesis pdf(936)pdf(973)pdf(1779)pdf(1034)pdf(1270)pdf(3726)pdf(1354)pdf(2202)pdf(1126)pdf(1465)pdf(1532)
2004 美國軍隊與媒體關係研究:以兩次波斯灣戰爭為例 李勝龍 thesis web page(386)
2007 Rate of convergence to a singular steady state for a heat equation with strong absorption SHENG-CHEN FUSHENG-CHEN FU、Jong-Shenq Guo article pdf(1576)
2005-06 The Learning Object-Based Knowledge Sharing Application Framework--The Multi-view Ontology Approach WEN-CHING LIOUJIING-YAO CHANGSE-HWA WUWEN-CHING LIOUJIING-YAO CHANGSE-HWA WU article web page(1365)
2009 Enterprise Value evaluation during M&A 李科甲、Li, Ko Chia thesis pdf(432)
2009 A study of public relations professionals` views on public relations curriculums in universities HSIAO-TSUI YEN、Yen, Hsiao-Tsui thesis pdf(2870)
2006 Does a Parent-Subsidiary Structure Enhance Financing Flexibility? 許心婷、Hsu,Shin-Ting thesis web page(270)
2008-08 《古今詞統》編選「蘇辛詞」析論 YA-WEN HOU conference
2000-01 -Introduction-The PRC at the Dawn of the Twenty-First Century: Why the “China Threat” Debate? Marble, Andrew D. article pdf(495)
2009 Epistemological research:”concept compositionality” and “category specificity” 陳建宇 thesis pdf(2465)
2003 代表與代表制度:從台灣民眾與立法委員的觀點來探析(1/2) SHING-YUAN SHENG report pdf(1399)
2001-08 知識經濟之發展與智慧財產權的保護 JERRY G. FONG article web page(938)
2002 衡量電子學習系統使用者滿意度 TZUNG-I TANG report pdf(1287)
2005 公共電視發展的危機或轉機?從數位內容與文化創意產業談起 KUO-FENG TSENG report pdf(3034)
2002 維克特爾•彼列文短篇小說之俄國後現代特性 林哲意 thesis pdf(903)pdf(1420)pdf(1763)pdf(13137)pdf(5409)pdf(5305)pdf(1148)pdf(2078)pdf(1449)
2000-12 終身癌症保險費率之釐定 連宏銘、CHING-SYANG YUE article pdf(897)
2006 說故事建立品牌:國家文化、產品品類、品牌屬性之探討 吳宛穎 thesis pdf(863)pdf(862)pdf(891)pdf(896)pdf(907)pdf(2048)pdf(2654)pdf(865)pdf(1137)pdf(1157)pdf(2723)
2002 神經網路與非線性模式的求解(1/2) RUA-HUAN TSAIH report pdf(1857)
2009 Who follows whom? Asymmetric competition in cross-border market expansion KAI-YU HSIEH、Hsieh, Kai-Yu、Chen, Ming-Jer 會議論文
2007 誤差項服從偏斜常態分配下信用風險之尾端機率估計 廖逸群 thesis web page(248)
2001 韓國研究導論 TO-HAI LIOU、陳寧寧、TO-HAI LIOU book/chapter web page(1019)