All Of Publications(Limit:2000-2009)

Showing 43701-43725 of 44104
Date Title Author Type Full Text(downloads)
2008 On the association between corporate name change and earnings management 江宇可、Chiang,Yu-Ko thesis pdf(657)pdf(933)pdf(717)pdf(630)pdf(1044)pdf(3916)pdf(2682)pdf(2273)pdf(881)pdf(1168)
2005 Effects of Internet Pornography on Taiwanese Adolescents` Sexual Attitudes and Behavior VEN-HWEI LO article web page(1736)
2005 Team-Based Mission Discovery in Multi-Agent Systems 林宜謙、LIN, I-Chien thesis pdf(782)pdf(832)pdf(824)pdf(1200)pdf(1074)pdf(1511)pdf(1141)pdf(958)pdf(944)pdf(883)pdf(896)
2007-01 Hiding Sensitive Association Rules with Limited Side Effects Y-H- Wu、C-M- Chiang、LIANG-PEI CHEN article pdf(1619)
2001-01 自中山先生的議會思想論中共人民代表大會制度的監督 CHIEN-MIN CHAO conference
2004 Defensive Realism and Post-Cold War PRC Security Policy Chang Liao,Nien-chung CHANG LIAO、Chang Liao, Nien-Chung thesis pdf(1265)pdf(1440)pdf(1148)pdf(2060)pdf(11988)pdf(1602)pdf(3454)pdf(3525)pdf(1797)pdf(1682)
2009 Taiwan national science and techonology program for Nanoscience and Nanotechnology: Industrial policy analysis under DPP administration (2000-2008) 陳彥蓁 thesis web page(246)
2006-07 「日美高峰會」戰略意涵及對台影響 賴怡忠 article pdf(244)
2007-07 台灣非流行音樂產業行銷管理之創新策略 楊宜桂、梁朝雲 article pdf(1870)
2007 跨國污染與國際環境協定 YU-BONG LAIYU-BONG LAI article pdf(654)
2008 Pricing and Hedging of Quanto Range Accrual Note under Gaussian HJM with Cross-Currency Levy Processes MI-HSIU CHIANG conference
2002-01 政府政策與台灣有線電視數位化之研究 李秀珠、陳忠勝、Li, Shu-Chu Sarrina、Chen, Chung Sheng article web page(538)
2005-02 攻守理論爭辯之評析 楊仕樂、Yang, Shih-Yueh article pdf(987)
2008 民法一百九十一條之三之研究與實務判決評析 高上茹 thesis pdf(1687)pdf(774)
2008 Advanced EFL Learners` Referential Forms in Written Narratives 陳聰賓、Tsung-pin Chen thesis pdf(1044)pdf(1260)pdf(1045)pdf(949)pdf(1000)pdf(960)pdf(1163)pdf(1082)pdf(1055)pdf(976)pdf(1763)pdf(1006)
2004 Trends in Agent-Based Computational Modeling of Macroeconomics SHU-HENG CHENSHU-HENG CHEN article pdf(1627)
2008-08 東協區域論壇 -- 亞太安全的「雞肋」? KWEI-BO HUANG、宋國強、Huang, Kwei-Bo article pdf(1503)
2008-05 邁向電子化政府的資訊組織變革與再造 YAN-PING CHI article pdf(701)
2008 The study on interactions between bloggers and blog readers - a perspective from relationship marketing 王湘婷、Wang, Hsiang Ting thesis pdf(1074)pdf(1130)pdf(1247)pdf(1266)pdf(3314)pdf(1445)pdf(1364)pdf(2070)pdf(1417)pdf(1451)pdf(1183)pdf(1150)pdf(1131)
2005-07 私有土地照價收買時之他項權利處理 LI-FU CHEN article web page(722)
2003-05 The Blue and the Green - The Political Ideologies of the Mass Public in the 2000 Taiwan Presidential Election 陳文俊、Chen, Wen-Chun article pdf(501)
2003 基隆市政府主計人員角色衝突之研究 陳碧君 thesis pdf(882)pdf(1271)pdf(874)pdf(1002)pdf(1797)pdf(13193)pdf(5021)pdf(3731)pdf(4126)pdf(1508)pdf(1516)pdf(2795)
2008-03 期待並促成跨領域對話 翁秀琪 article pdf(848)
2006 五○年代的孟瑤 黃瑞真 thesis pdf(1301)pdf(1365)pdf(1394)pdf(1454)pdf(1782)pdf(3688)pdf(2761)pdf(3665)pdf(2714)pdf(1566)pdf(15065)
2004-05 Risk perception in Taiwan: A comparison with three other areas NAI-SHING YEN、Tsai F. C. conference