All Of Publications(Limit:College of Foreign Languages and Literature、Proceedings)

Showing 1826-1850 of 1855
日期 題名 Author Type Full Text(downloads)
2012-06 Aphasic and normal language processing in word retrieval 萬依萍Wan, I-Ping conference pdf(62)
2009-07 Lexical-phonological errors in Mandarin normal and agrammatic speech 萬依萍Wan, I-Ping conference 說明頁(33)
2015-06 The Acquisition of Fricatives and Affricates in Taiwan Mandarin 萬依萍Wan, I-Ping conference 說明頁(20)
2023-11 Pronunciation variants in Thai preschool children learning Mandarin 萬依萍Wan, I-Ping、Marc, Allassonnière-Tang conference 說明頁(25)
2023-11 老いを考える――芥川龍之介「老年」について 高啓豪 conference pdf(41)
2023-12 ‘Die laughing’ as a Discourse Marker of Sarcasm: Its Uses in Social Media Corpus During the Covid-19 Pandemic in Taiwan 鍾曉芳Chung, Siaw-Fong、Lai, Yan-ping、Yen, Yu-Che conference pdf(66)
2023-04 Invention and Invasion: Domestication of the Internet in Hawthorne’s Rappaccini’s Daughter 黃浚耕 conference pdf(28)
2023-11 “Now Go We in Content to Liberty”: The Shakespearean Metamorphosis in Poems of Emily Dickinson and Empress Elisabeth of Austria 詹前臻、Chan, Irene conference pdf(62)
2023-11 Вербализация концепта «путь» в обращении Цай Ин-вэнь по случаю Дня двух десяток 2021 года и особенности его передачи на русский и английский языки 張瑞承、Чанг, Джуй-ченг conference pdf(46)pdf(21)
2023-11 札博洛茨基《欄目集》中的速度經驗 江杰翰 conference pdf(25)pdf(21)
2023-11 從赫列布尼科夫《心律失常》 探討當代俄羅斯電影中的疏離主題 吳佳靜 conference pdf(41)pdf(18)
2023-11 德國文學導遊中的台灣文化轉譯 徐安妮 conference 說明頁(18)
2023-10 An Analysis of the Discrimination Usage of Near-Synonym IN FACT and ACTUALLY Based on Questionnaire 黃宥甄 conference 說明頁(10)
2023-12 Conscience and Consequences: Analyzing the Ethical Struggles and Actions in Hamlet 劉聖英、Liu, Sheng-Ying conference pdf(0)
2023-05 Which Goes First? The Research on the Effect of the Collocation and Meaning- inferring Instruction Order 洪毅任、Hong, Yi-Ren conference pdf(0)
2023-10 Teacher’s Strategic Use of L1 in English Language Teaching (ELT) in Hong Kong Primary and Secondary Classrooms 馮文偉、Fung, Man Wai Edward conference 說明頁(11)
2023-11 混沌未分としての「古」(いにしへ)―古今伝受・中世日本紀・仏教学の言説を中心として― 山藤夏郎 conference pdf(12)
2023-12 樺太植民地統治体制の構築―原敬の政策論を中心として 楊素霞 conference pdf(15)
2023-11 Ibrāhīm b. Yaʿqūb al-Saʿdī al-Jūzjānī (d. 259/873?): His Approach and Contribution to Hadith Criticism 蘇怡文、Su, I-Wen conference 說明頁(19)
2023-11 台灣學生俄語中介語的詞序偏誤 葉相林 conference pdf(14)
2022-07 Echoes of Roar: Roar, China! and Its Adaptation in China and Taiwan 鄢定嘉、Yen, Tingchia conference pdf(17)
2023-09 Утопическая идея в позднем творчестве Велимира Хлебникова 鄢定嘉、Yen, Tingchia conference pdf(19)
2018-07 德國駐臺灣領事館史初探─1890至1908年 姚紹基Yao, Shao-Ji conference pdf(0)
2023-12 The Physician’s Perspective in Select Contemporary German Language Literary Texts 蔡莫妮、Leipelt-Tsai, Monika conference pdf(18)
2023-12 朝鮮諺文燕行錄所見明清書籍與文人交流 林侑毅 conference pdf(18)