Publications-Periodical Articles

Showing 176-200 of 236
Date Title Author Type Full Text(downloads)
2013-07 Autonomy support versus psychological control, perfectionism, and taiwanese adolescents achievement goals SHU-SHEN SHIHSHU-SHEN SHIH article pdf(1279)
2010-11 Integrating collaborative PBL with blended learning to explore preservice teachers` development of online learning communities YU-CHU YEHYU-CHU YEH article pdf(1016)
2012 Developing an Intelligent Agent for Managing Web 2.0 Services Lin, Chun Fu、YU-CHU YEH、Hung, Yu Hsin、Chang, Ray I.、YU-CHU YEH article pdf(1027)
2012-09 The Dilemma and Solutions for the Conflicts Between Equality and Excellence in the Massification of Higher Education in Taiwan Wang, Hsiou-Huai、王秀槐 article pdf(1058)
2015 The Relationships Among Taiwanese Adolescents` Perceived Classroom Environment, Academic Coping, and Burnout SHU-SHEN SHIHSHU-SHEN SHIH article web page(1271)
2015-07 Associated and dissociated neural substrates of aesthetic judgment and aesthetic emotion during the appreciation of everyday designed products YU-CHU YEH、Lin, Chung-Wei、Hsu, Wei-Chin、Kuo, Wen-Jui、YU-CHU YEHYU-CHU YEH article pdf(1110)
2016-02 Mediated enactive experience versus perceived mastery experience: An enhancing mechanism versus a mediator of character attachment and internal political efficacy in serious games Huang, Ling-Yi、YU-CHU YEHYU-CHU YEH article pdf(868)
2016-02 The dynamic influence of emotions on game-based creativity: An integrated analysis of emotional valence, activation strength, and regulation focus YU-CHU YEH、Lai, Ssu Chi、Lin, Chung-Wei、YU-CHU YEH article pdf(931)
2015-04 幼兒英語學習的家庭教育環境、父母效能與學習熱情之路徑模式 謝皓薇、YU-CHU YEH、Hsieh, Hao-Wei、YU-CHU YEH article pdf(733)
2013-03 大一年與新生定位規劃理念與策略 YU-HUI CHEN article web page(660)
2013-01 通識博雅教育學生學習成效評估的挑戰 YU-HUI CHEN article web page(727)
2014-04 政治大學通識課程改革理念與實務 YU-HUI CHEN article web page(650)
2017-05 The interactive influences of stress, modality of stimuli, and task difficulty on verbal versus visual working memory capacity YU-CHU YEHYU-CHU YEHYU-CHU YEH、 Lin, C. W.、TSAI-YEN LI、Wu, J. article pdf(705)
2016-12 Meaningful gamification for journalism students to enhance their critical thinking skills YU-CHU YEH、Huang, Ling-Yi、YU-CHU YEH article web page(875)
2017-12 The mediating role of self-regulation on harmonious passion, obsessive passion, and knowledge management in e-learning YU-CHU YEHYU-CHU YEH、Chu, Ling-Hui article pdf(554)
2018-06 Achievement goals influence mastery experience via two paths in digital creativity games among elementary school students YU-CHU YEHYU-CHU YEH article web page(1082)
2017-09 你累了嗎?國中生學習倦怠之多層次成長模式分析 SHU-SHEN SHIH、巫博瀚 article pdf(439)
2017-03 「核心課程」與「擴大輔系」與通識教育的理論與案例 YU-HUI CHEN article pdf(310)
2017-07 白水老人韓雨霖道長口述歷史研究 YU-HUI CHEN、謝居憲 article web page(590)
2016-08 學術型宗教教育與宗教研修學院之設置:一貫道崇德學院學術發展的個案研究 YU-HUI CHEN article pdf(554)
2011 「理解」(Verstehen)、陶冶( Bildung )與文化傳承: 斯普朗格(Eduard Spranger)文化教育學(Kulturp YU-HUI CHEN article web page(427)
2009-12 幼兒多元智慧量表之發展 YU-CHU YEH、彭月茵、YU-CHU YEH article pdf(478)
2018-06 The mediating role of self-regulation on harmonious passion, obsessive passion, and knowledge management in e-learning YU-CHU YEHYU-CHU YEH、Chu, Ling-Hui article pdf(671)
2018-03 Examining Relationships of Taiwanese Adolescents` Achievement Goals to Academic Engagement and Coping SHU-SHEN SHIHSHU-SHEN SHIH article pdf(383)
2018-06 Examining Relationships of Taiwanese Adolescents` Achievement Goals to Academic Engagement and Coping SHU-SHEN SHIHSHU-SHEN SHIH article pdf(445)