
Showing 101-125 of 217
Date Title Type Full Text
2016 基於ORCID發展Academic Hub機構典藏系統提升數位化論文傳播效益 conference 說明頁(863)
2015-12 大學圖書館網站讀者視覺注意力之眼動分析研究 article 說明頁(410)pdf(428)
2015-09 Enhancement of digital reading performance by using a novel web-based collaborative reading annotation system with two quality annotation filtering mechanisms article pdf(687)
2015-08 點讀筆支援紙本繪本對兒童閱讀動機、情緒、注意力與理解成效之探討 article pdf(643)
2015-04 點讀筆支援紙本繪本對兒童閱讀動機、情緒、注意力與理解成效之探討 article pdf(569)
2015-01 Effects of Different Video Lecture Types on Sustained Attention, Emotion, Cognitive Load, and Learning Performance article pdf(1574)
2014-11 Path analyses of how students develop conceptual knowledge and inquiry skills in a simulation-based inquiry environment conference 說明頁(707)
2014.08 Enhancing Digital Reading Performance with a Collaborative Reading Annotation System article pdf(1540)
2014.06 Assessing Effects of Information Architecture of Digital Libraries on Supporting E-learning: A Case Study on the Digital Library of Nature & Culture article pdf(1679)
2014.06 DSpace開放源碼數位典藏系統建置理論與實務 book/chapter 說明頁(1983)
2014-02 Mining Learning Social Networks for Cooperative Learning with Appropriate Learning Partners in a Problem-based Learning Environment article 說明頁(1817)
2014.01 Facilitating English-Language Reading Performance by a Digital Reading Annotation System with Self-Regulated Learning Mechanisms article pdf(1314)
2014 Effects of different text display types on reading comprehension, sustained attention and cognitive load in mobile reading contexts article 說明頁(1166)
2013-10 Web-Based Reading Annotation System with an Attention-Based Self-Regulated Learning Mechanism for Promoting Reading Performance article pdf(1345)
2013-10 從社群經營角度看線上學習社群之凝聚力與發展過程 report 說明頁(15)
2013.06 Mining Useful News Information Based on Reader Feedback for Building News Communities article pdf(1115)
2013.06 Facilitating English Language Learners` Oral Reading Fluency with Digital Pen Technology article 說明頁(1828)
2013-04 數位學習領域主題分析之研究 article pdf(964)
2013.03 Using a Paper-based Digital Pen for Supporting Ehglish Courses in Regular Classrooms to Improve Reading Fluency article 說明頁(1664)
2013-03 互動式擴增實境系統支援國小圖書館利用教育 article pdf(1284)
2013 Subject analysis on the field of E-learning research article pdf(945)
2013 基於合作式數位閱讀標註知識典藏與分享之雲端高互動閱讀學習社群平台建置與研究 report pdf(587)
2013 Interactive augmented reality game for enhancing library instruction in elementary schools conference 說明頁(448)
2013 Forecasting reading anxiety to promote reading performance based on annotation behavior conference 說明頁(667)
2012-12 Assessing the Effects of Different Multimedia Materials on Emotions and Learning Performance for Visual and Verbal Style Learners article pdf(1694)