
Showing 51-68 of 68
Date Title Type Full Text Scopus▼ WOS
2006-01 Changing smoking attitudes by strengthening weak anti-smoking beliefs-Taiwan as an example article pdf(1660) 8 8
2011-12 The effects of ad-induced and context-induced affect on on-line and off-line judgments of health ads article pdf(1051) 8 5
2010-12 The Effects of Retrieval Ease on Health Issue Judgments: Implications for Campaign Strategies article pdf(1337) 8 7
2017-10 A Meta-Cognitive Model of the Effects of Susceptibility to Persuasion Self-Beliefs on Advertising Effects article pdf(490) 8 7
2017 A Metacognitive Model of the Effects of Susceptibility to Persuasion Self-Beliefs on Advertising Effects article pdf(318) 8 7
2014 Ambivalent Versus Univalent Voters: Perceived Media Influences and Third-Person Perceptions article pdf(1294) 7 6
2009 Political communication in Taiwan book/chapter 說明頁(926) 7 無資料
2018-08 Ambivalent Facebook Users: Anxious Attachment Style and Goal Cognition article 說明頁(645) 7 4
2012-03 Effectiveness of Consensus Information in Advertising: The Moderating Roles of Situational Factors and Individual Differences article pdf(970) 6 7
2009-02 Psychological Motives vs. Health Concerns: Predicting Smoking Attitudes and Promoting Anti-Smoking Attitudes article pdf(1377) 6 8
2015 Before–after appeals: a dual-route effect model article 說明頁(1963) 5 4
2020-05 How Morality Judgments Influence Humor Perceptions of Prankvertising article pdf(291) 4 3
2017 How Salient Pictures in Magazine Advertisements Bias Consumers’ Preference Construction: A Comparison with Product Pages in e-Stores Applying a Dual System Model article pdf(495) 3 4
2018-04 How salient pictures in magazine advertisements bias consumers` preference construction: A comparison with product pages in e-stores applying dual system model article pdf(428) 3 4
2019-04 Model of Behavioral Strategies for Coping with Party Ambivalence article pdf(237) 3 3
2009 Masculinity and Cognitive Age Perception: An Examination of their Relationship and Implications for Advertising Persuasion article pdf(1032) 2 2
2019-05 Effects of the Number of Advertised Brands in a Choice Set: A Meta-Cognitive Process article pdf(296) 2 1
2015 Endorsements move students to choose candidate article 說明頁(817) 1 無資料