
Showing 1-25 of 68
Date Title Type Full Text Scopus▼ WOS
2011-12 Feeling Ambivalent about Going Green: Implications for Green Advertising Processing article pdf(1571) 222 158
2009 Being Hooked by Editorial Content: The Implications for Processing Narrative Advertising article pdf(1762) 91 67
2013-02 Imagery fluency and narrative advertising effects article pdf(1358) 88 103
2012 News Coverage of Health-Related Issues and Its Impacts on Perceptions: Taiwan as an Example article pdf(1259) 72 63
2008 Increasing mental health literacy via narrative advertising article pdf(1296) 69 49
2015-10 Motivated Processing: How People Perceive News Covering Novel or Contradictory Health Research Findings article pdf(701) 69 52
2001 The impact of emotion elicited by political advertising on candidate evaluations article pdf(1065) 68 59
2014-08 Guilt Regulation: The Relative Effects of Altruistic versus Egoistic Appeals for Charity Advertising article pdf(1296) 68 55
2007-03 The relative effectiveness of comparative and noncomparative advertising: Evidence for gender differences in information-processing strategies article pdf(768) 65 43
2008-01 Ad Framing Effects For Consumption Products: An Affect Priming Process article pdf(1608) 55 48
2005 Ad-self-congruency effects: Self-enhancing cognitive and affective mechanisms article pdf(1432) 48 41
2008 Chronological Age vs. Cognitive Age For young consumers: Implications for Advertising Persuasion article pdf(1653) 46 40
2011-03 Enhancing Self-Referencing to Health Messages: Implications for Public Health Campaigns article pdf(1487) 38 26
2015-07 Self-Construal and Facebook Activities: Exploring Differences in Social Interaction Orientation article pdf(842) 37 24
2012-04 The effectiveness of advertising that leverages sponsorship and cause-related marketing: A contingency model article 說明頁(1627) 34 33
2005 The moderating influence of ad framing for ad-self-congruency effects article pdf(1099) 34 31
2011-08 The effects of the number of product subcategories on perceived variety and shopping experience in an online store article pdf(1387) 33 22
2006 The Influence of Masculinity and Femininity in Different Advertising Processing Contexts: An Accessibility Perspective article pdf(1397) 32 26
2010 Message Framing and Interpersonal Orientation at Cultural and Individual Levels: Involvement as a Moderator article pdf(801) 32 25
2016-12 Methodological Issues in Advertising Research: Current Status, Shifts, and Trends article pdf(834) 32 27
2006-12 Cultural masculinity/femininity influences on ad appeals article pdf(733) 30 26
2004-08 When does gender counts: Further insights into gender schematic processing of female candidates` political advertisements article pdf(834) 29 22
2009 Repetition Variation Strategies for Narrative Advertising article pdf(1284) 29 23
2010 Why Are Childlike Portrayals Appealing in East Asia? A Cross-Cultural Comparison between Taiwan and the U.S. article pdf(767) 29 23
2012.03 Men’s and Women’s Responses to Two-Sided Health News Coverage: A Moderated Mediation Model article pdf(1352) 29 24