Publications-Periodical Articles

Showing 1-23 of 23
Date Title Type Full Text
2023-04 Disclosure strategies for management earnings forecasts: The role of managerial compensation structures, overoptimism, and effort article web page(309)
2022-06 Impacts of sharing business on production, sales, and rental markets article web page(316)
2022-03 The Effects of Microinsurance on the Insurance Market: A Theoretical Analysis article web page(272)
2021-03 Inclusive Banking, Financial Regulation and Bank Performance : Cross-Country Evidence article pdf(361)
2021-01 The effect of microinsurance on the insurance market: evidence from Taiwan article web page(372)
2020-06 Building Friendship with Boss: Strategic Prosocial Behaviors in the Agency Model article pdf(353)
2019-04 Supply Chain Finance and Impacts of Consumers` Sustainability Awareness article pdf(286)
2019-03 Impacts of Foreign Investor Sentiment on Taiwan’s Stock and Futures Markets article pdf(295)
2018-07 Reply to "Modeling Managerial Altruism, CSR, and Donations: A Comment" article pdf(285)
2018-06 Does competition inhibit fairness and altruism? article pdf(377)
2018-04 Reply to "Modeling Managerial Altruism, CSR, and Donations: A Comment" article pdf(338)
2017-07 Does Institutional Linkage of Bank-MFI Foster Inclusive Financial Development Even in the Presence of MFI Frauds? article pdf(282)
2017 Does Institutional Linkage of Bank-MFIs Foster Inclusive Financial Development Even in the Presence of MFI Frauds? article pdf(505)
2017 Credibility of Voluntary Disclosure in Financial Firms article web page(700)
2017 Managerial Altruism and Governance in Charitable Donations article web page(743)
2013-12 A Co-payment Auditing Scheme For Financial Misreporting article web page(1156)
2008-06 臺灣主要報紙經營策略之分析:以《民生報》停刊為觀察點 article pdf(1059)
2008-06 台灣主要報紙經營策略之分析:以《民生報》停刊爲觀察點 article pdf(971)
2008-05 Heterogeneous Multi-product Competition in Taiwan`s Newspaper Industry article pdf(1432)
2008-02 Extracting the Information: Espionage with Double Crossing article pdf(1428)
2007-12 An Economic Analysis of Military Intelligence article pdf(1185)
2007-05 Impacts of Endogenously Interacting Interest Groups on Regulatory Prices article pdf(1187)
2002-04 Evolutionarily Stable Coalition Structure article pdf(1302)
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