
Showing 1-23 of 23
Date Title Type Full Text Scopus WOS Altmetric
2024-02 在地轉譯:創新再脈絡的在地調適樣貌 article 說明頁(191)
2023-08 相對感受:參考點對於顧客體驗的影響 article 說明頁(94)
2020-08 境隨心轉:服務隨創中的認知轉移與資源轉換 article pdf(167)
2018-01 負負得正:相依性如何促成負資源轉換 article 說明頁(353)
2017-12 Inversing the Powerful: The Process of Resource Construction through Bricolage article pdf(407)
2017-12 逆強論:隨創式的資源建構過程 (獲2020第十屆聯電經營管理論文獎佳作獎) article pdf(212)
2017-03 Making-do within Adversity: Resource Constraints as a Source of Innovation article pdf(582)
2017-03 逆勢拼湊:化資源制約為創新來源 (獲2019第九屆聯電經營管理論文獎優等獎) article pdf(206)
2017-02 資源流:聯合報系複合商業模式的形成 article 說明頁(671)
2014-06 劣勢創新:梵谷策展中的隨創行為 article 說明頁(962)
2012-05 Collaborative Knowing: the Adaptive Nature of Cross-Boundary Spanning article pdf(1321)
2011-10 演化科技意會:衛星派遣科技的人性軌跡 article pdf(729)
2011-08 市集脈絡:由組織例規分析資訊科技的創新來源 article pdf(925)
2011-04 越淮為枳:從組織做為分析跨情境科技採納 article pdf(982)
2010-08 資安洞見:由使用者痛點提煉創新來源 article pdf(987)
2008-10 Sensitive Cabbies Ongoing Sense-Making within technology structuring article pdf(2295)
2008 Knowledge Sharing in a Global Professional Service Firm article
2007 Misaligned market: The importance of industry context on technology mediated exchange article pdf(1734)
2006 The Problem of Embeddedness: Knowledge Transfer, Coordination, and Reuse in Information Systems article pdf(1125)
2006 The More We Study, the Less We Learn: A Primer on the Analysis of TML Effectiveness article 說明頁(1237)
2005 Delivering on the Promises of E-Procurement article 說明頁(1225)
2003 Technology Fears: Distrust and Cultural Persistence in Electronic Marketplace Adoption article pdf(1196)
1998 A new perspective of the dynamics of IT-enabled strategic change article pdf(1085)
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