Publications- All

Showing 1-25 of 36
Date Title Type Full Text
2022-06 政治大學的共同英文課程 conference web page(172)
2021-08 Motivators for learners of languages other than English in college elective courses in the Taiwanese monolingual social setting article pdf(170)
2021-08 The learning of neighbor languages (and European ones) in the Asian context of Taiwan conference web page(335)
2021-05 Relationship-building and language-oriented peer feedback—Fostering positive dynamics and feedback literacy in an EFL writing classroom article web page(385)
2021-04 Learning after formative classroom assessment: A model of peer feedback. Invited panelist--“Bridging Assessment and Learning: Can We Make a Difference?” conference web page(307)
2020-05 大學生的自評能力與課外英語學習 report web page(220)
2019-11 L3 learning motivation and its changes conference web page(498)
2019-07 Learning experience reigns – Taiwanese learners’ motivation in learning eight additional languages as compared to English article pdf(260)
2019-01 Classroom assessment practices and the impact on self-directed EFL learning conference web page(492)
2018-09 政大第二外語課程之教學成效研究: 學習者跨文化能力發展分析 report pdf(396)
2018-02 A GEARed peer feedback model and implications for learning facilitation article pdf(357)
2018-01 大學的英語學分學程—台灣各校概況整理與政治大學個案之歷史回顧 article pdf(244)
2018 A GEARed peer feedback model and implications for learning facilitation article pdf(407)
2017-09 教英文、跨文化:大學英文課裡的多元文化教學 book/chapter web page(517)
2017-09 導論: 大學英語教育及培養地球村公民的理想 book/chapter web page(540)
2017-09 比較各國大學生活:小組段落寫作及朗讀影片製作 book/chapter web page(525)
2016-07 Understanding learners` self-assessment and self-feedback on their foreign language speaking performance article pdf(815)
2016-04 No longer a teacher monologue – Involving EFL writing learners in teachers’ assessment and feedback processes article pdf(739)
2016-03 An action research on fostering critical thinking in EFL writing through formative assessment and feedback article pdf(954)
2015-11 Setting writing revision goals after assessment for learning article pdf(698)
2015-05 Understanding learners` self-assessment and self-feedback on their foreign language speaking performance article web page(1392)
2015 Motivating Revision by Integrating Feedback Into Revision Instructions article pdf(837)
2015 激勵學習的評量及英語榮譽學程的研究 report pdf(329)
2012.12 Like a bell responding to a striker -- Instruction contingent on assessment article pdf(566)
2012.03 Pushing learners to work through tests and marks: Motivating or demotivating? - A case in a Taiwanese university article pdf(1082)