Publications-Periodical Articles

Showing 1-25 of 87
Date Title Type Full Text
2023-12 發展性視導可行方案調查研究 article web page(85)
2023-03 國際課程評鑑研究課題與趨勢分析: 2000-2020年 article web page(179)
2022-07 社會與情緒技能研究趨勢與OECD跨國調查研究之啟示:社會情緒學習的重要性 article web page(310)
2022-06 Monitoring Learning-Oriented School Education: Indicator Construction and Their Application article web page(349)
2022-06 高等教育全球化之文獻計量分析 article web page(179)
2021-06 Graduate employment in higher education: Applying bibliometrics to world-system theory article pdf(226)
2021-04 德國教育數位化趨勢與挑單及對臺灣的啟示 article pdf(291)
2021-01 臺灣潛在課程研究回顧與展望 article pdf(361)
2020-12 A comparative study of relationship between the government and national quality assurance agencies in Australia, Japan, Malaysia and Taiwan: policy change, governance models, emerging roles article web page(152)
2020-06 高等教育創業教育指標建構與應用之研究:以台灣U-start創新創業計畫為例 article web page(307)
2020-03 How Do They Transform? The Story of Two Primary Schools about Curriculum Leadership and Development in Taiwan Curriculum Reform. article pdf(174)
2020-02 The Construction of Meta-evaluation Indicators of Taiwan’s University Program Evaluation: JCSEE Program Evaluation Standards as a Framework article pdf(278)
2019-01 非學校型態實驗教育之活化教學個案研究:學會學習的系統觀點。學會學習個案研究 article pdf(334)
2018-12 The implementation of self-accreditation policy in Taiwan higher education and its challenges to university internal quality assurance capacity building, article pdf(336)
2018-12 國際文憑(IB)課程內涵與成夜初探—以Diploma Programme(DP)為例 article web page(653)
2018-09 國際文憑(IB)課程之趨勢與啟示 article web page(449)
2018-03 The Innovative Operation of Small Schools: The Inspiration of Innovation Management Model of U.S. KIPP Schools article web page(538)
2018-03 Construction of Indicators of Teaching Evaluation by University Students in Taiwan: The Adaptive Applications of Concept Mappin article pdf(465)
2018-01 微觀大學校務評鑑的後設視角 article pdf(355)
2017-12 The Study on Meta-Evaluation of Principal Evaluation article web page(375)
2017-12 The Study on Meta-Evaluation of Principal Evaluation article web page(395)
2017-08 A Study on the Relationship among Principals’ Space Leadership, Teacher Community Operation, and Student Learning Outcomes in Taiwan’s Elementary School article web page(716)
2017-06 教學視導的新趨勢 ──正向視導概念的發展 article web page(1038)
2017-06 New Trend of Instructional Supervision- The Development of The Concept of Positive Supervision article web page(583)
2017-03 A Study on the Evaluation Practice of International Education article pdf(380)