
Showing 176-200 of 207
Date Title Type Full Text
2001 The effects of personality on product evaluation conference
2001 Cultural versus Self: impacts of individualism/collectivism on processing adverising messages conference
2001 Processing advertising in a competitive context conference
2001 政治傳播:美國傳統 vs. 台灣研究 conference
2001 Self-Congruency as a cue in different advertising processing contexts conference
2001 The impact of emotion elicited by political advertising on candidate evaluations article pdf(1065)
2000-01 美國政治競選廣告效果研究的回顧 article pdf(1395)
2000 從自我基模理論看廣告效果:實證的研究與模式的建立 report pdf(1148)
2000 應用基模為基礎或特性為基礎的二元形式模式來看廣告訊息處理與產品評估:從廣告訊息差異來探討 report pdf(1980)
2000 品牌、品類、訊息設計與個人動機對網路廣告效果之影響:線上追蹤與問卷回應之比較 report pdf(1778)
2000 Does political advertising work? Results from a field experiment in the 1988 Taipei mayoral election in Taiwan conference
2000 Ad processing: the impact of country-of-origin schemata in different context conference
2000 The role of self in processing advertising messages--An exploration of gender schema conference
2000 The effect of personality differences on product evaluations article
2000 Political advertising in Taiwan and the USA cross-cultural comparison of the 1996 president election campaigns article pdf(1362)
1999-05 女性候選人在選舉中的優劣勢─以八十六年台北縣縣長候選人周荃為例 article pdf(508)
1999-01 政治競選廣告對選民議題設定與預示的效果 article pdf(1767)
1999-01 政治競選廣告對選民議題設定與預示的效果效究 article 說明頁(580)
1999 從認知基模理論看廣告訊息處理:以產品產製國別訊息呈現順序對廣告訊息處理的影響為例 report pdf(1225)
1999 The Impacts of News Frames and Ad Types on Candidate Perception and Political Cynicism during the 1998 Taipei Mayoral Election in Taiwan conference
1999 A cross-cultural comparison of political advertising in the 1996 president election campeign in Taiwan and the United State conference
1999 The impact of negative political advertising: A review conference
1998-05 廣告中的理想自我概念:自我追逐的目標抑或自我貶抑的肇因? article pdf(1074)
1998 政治競選廣告對選民議題設定與預示的效果研究 conference
1998 女性候選人在選舉中的優劣勢--以八十六年台北縣縣長候選人周荃為例 conference