
Showing 101-125 of 207
Date Title Type Full Text
2006-12 Ad Repetition and Variation in a Competitive Ad Context article
2006-12 社會學門(社會學、社會福利與工作、傳播)國際學術期刊與國內期刊評比研究執行成果與檢討 article pdf(2393)
2006-12 Cultural masculinity/femininity influences on ad appeals article pdf(723)
2006-07 The global look conference
2006-07 Increasing mental health literacy via narrative advertising conference
2006-03 Beating the news blues: Mood repair through exposure to advertising article pdf(1336)
2006-03 Seeing the small picture: Ad-self versus ad-culture congruency in international advertising article pdf(652)
2006-01 網路的功與過:網路使用與政治參與及社會資產關係的探討 article pdf(909)
2006-01 Changing smoking attitudes by strengthening weak anti-smoking beliefs-Taiwan as an example article pdf(1621)
2006 Enhancing self-consciousness: Implicatoins for the effectiveness of ad appeals article pdf(1094)
2006 Knowledge about the Gulf Wars: A theoretical model of learning from the news article pdf(1376)
2006 Chronological Age vs. Cognitive Age For young consumers: Implications for Advertising Persuasion conference
2006 See the small picture: The importance of culture versus self in determining advertising effectiveness article
2006 The Influence of Masculinity and Femininity in Different Advertising Processing Contexts: An Accessibility Perspective article pdf(1344)
2006 Context-induced and ad-induced affect: Individual differences as moderators article pdf(1027)
2006 電視新興現象及其社會影響---電視新興現象及其影響:政論性談話節目的探討 report pdf(800)
2006 廣告的敘事資訊處理 report pdf(1205)
2005-10 Enhancing self-consciousness: Implications for the Effectiveness of Ad Appeals conference
2005-08 Knowledge about the Gulf War: A Theoretical Model of Learning from the News conference
2005-07 The driving forces for smoking among Taiwanese adolescents conference
2005-07 Does Content Matter More than Time? The Influence of Media Use on Social Capital, Political Attitudes and Political Participation conference
2005-06 How Context-Evoked Affect Influences Responses to High- and Low-Involving Products conference
2005-01 從菸品廣告內容看菸商的說服企圖 article pdf(2585)
2005-01 Personal Values, Advertising, and Smoking Motivation in Taiwanese Adolescents article pdf(1330)
2005 Ad-self-congruency effects: Self-enhancing cognitive and affective mechanisms article pdf(1427)