All Of Publications(Limit:College of Social Science、Theses)

Showing 201-225 of 10516
Date Title Author Type Full Text(downloads)
2004 台灣地區大學學雜費調漲對生育率的影響 洪文娟 thesis web page(300)
2005 Foreign Economic Aid in Communist China`s Open and Reform Policy 陳松培 thesis web page(724)
陸軍職業軍官生涯規劃發展與工作滿意度之研究 thesis web page(296)
2006 The Rise of China at Taiwan`s National Defense Policy. 孫國華 thesis web page(227)
2005 A Study on the Foreign Exchange Management Systemin Mainland China and the Appreciation of Renminbi 彭淑愉 thesis web page(479)
2005 我國駐外機構經營績效之探討-以僑務委員會為例 歐陽富 thesis web page(195)
2006 The Supervision and Management of Banking Operational Risk 陸珊珊、Luh, Shan Shan thesis web page(264)
2005 The Impact of R&D on Firms` Performance in Taipei City 吳端萍、Wu,Tuan Ping thesis web page(274)
2005 台灣生物科技產業群聚與研究發展之外溢效果 劉惠珍、Liu, Hui-Chen thesis web page(395)web page(316)
2005 台灣地區大陸配偶社會適應問題之研究 陳建成 thesis web page(267)
2005 A Study on the Recruitment and Employment Policies of Taiwan`s Indigenous People 姚婉麗 thesis web page(342)
2005 The Study of Congress Liaison Staff’s Core Competence 薛復寧 thesis web page(345)
A Study on the Relationships of Volunteer Interpreters’ Personality, Participation Motivation, Job Satifaction and Organizational Commitment: A Case of Yangmingshan National Park Administration thesis web page(240)
2006 勞動派遣勞工權益保護之研究 江宥萱 thesis web page(379)
2006 A Research of the Influence of Distribution Regulations for Centrally-Allotted Tax revenues on Regional Efforts in Taiwan 隆易君、Lung,Yi Chun thesis web page(348)
2008 The loss rate sensitivity analysis of CDO-Squared: On master mezzanine tranche 陳竑宇、Chen, Hung Yu thesis web page(412)
2007 美國單一稅率制之擬議 杜怡萱 thesis web page(338)
2008 A study to research the family relationship network and society support for caregivers of taking care of vegetative----using the Taipei County as an example. 李怡芬 thesis web page(313)
2002 國會倫理對立法院議事運作之分析 王幼萍 thesis web page(0)
2004 我國網路公民對電子化政府信任之研究:新公共管理績效理論的驗證 蔡志恆、Tsai, Chih-heng thesis web page(263)
2004 我國當前行政倫理法制化發展之研究 蔡金火、Tsay, Jin-Huoo thesis web page(276)
2002 none 林嘉琪 thesis web page(270)
2003 Knowledge Management Capabilities in Organizations--Social Capital Perspective 彭安麗、Peng,An-Li thesis web page(301)
2002 我國司法官訓練制度之研究 林珮瑛、LIN PEI-YING thesis web page(286)
2002 慢性精神疾病人員就業保障之研究--以憂鬱症患者為例 陳香凝 thesis web page(319)