All Of Publications(Limit:College of Foreign Languages and Literature、Articles、2020-2029)

Showing 1-25 of 262
日期 題名 Author Type Full Text(downloads)
2020-05 Narrative abilities of Mandarin-speaking children with and without specific language impairment: Macrostructure and microstructure 薩文蕙Sah, Wen-Hui、童寶娟、Torng , Pao-Chuan article 說明頁(359)
2020 الإِنْصَافُ فِي الفَصْلِ بَيْنَ المُضَافِ إِلَيْه وَالمُضَافِ 陶艾維 期刊論文
2020-02 رِسَالَةٌ في حَرْفِ الظَّاءِ مِمَّا جَاء عَلى لَفْظٍ واحدٍ ولَهُ مَعنَيان، نَظْمًا وَنَثْرً 陶艾維 期刊論文
2020-04 Direct (Dis)agreement Verbs - Agree/Disagree in Native Speaker and Learner Data 鍾曉芳Chung, Siaw-Fong article 說明頁(447)
2020-04 The syntax-prosody competition: Evidence from adjunct prosodic parsing in iGeneration Taiwanese 蕭宇超Hsiao, Yuchau E. article pdf(215)
2020-03 聖修伯里與他的飛行三部曲 阮若缺Juan, Rachel article 說明頁(479)
2020 Numeral base, numeral classifier, and noun: Word order harmonization 何萬順、Her, One-Soon、Tang, Marc article 說明頁(470)
2020 台灣閩南語分類詞之檢驗 何萬順、Her, One-Soon、陳孟英、謝妙玲 article pdf(208)
2020-11 Subject animacy and underspecified meaning: The conceptual and cortical underpinnings 賴瑶鍈、Lai, Yao-Ying、Lacadie, Cheryl、Deo, Ashwini、Piñango, Maria Mercedes article pdf(204)
2020-01 《日本書紀》中所描述的對外戰爭-以白村江之戰為中心- 鄭家瑜Cheng, Chia-Yu article pdf(163)
2020-03 The Boundary of Bound Morpheme and Free Morpheme: Focusing on Two Characters Sino-Japanese 葉秉杰、Yeh, Ping-Chieh article pdf(186)
2020 The Settlement Policy of the Ottoman Empire and the Implementation of the Tanzimat Principles on the Semi-Nomadic People 古雷德、Gürer, Ahmet Şamil article pdf(167)
2020-03 The ‘Cousin’ Terminology in the Turkic Languages 徐漢陽、Taşbaş, Erhan Şahin article pdf(216)
2020-03 忘れなければならない―中世禅林詩学における〈空虚な主体〉への/からの眼差し― 山藤夏郎、Santo, Natsuo article 說明頁(305)
2020-06 《日本書紀》中之「舒明紀」的記述方法-以其與漢籍之關聯為視點 鄭家瑜Cheng, Chia-yu article pdf(161)
2020-12 Au Pied du Mont des Lettres: Reading Yu Kwang-chung the Translator (2019) by Shan Te-Hsing (Book Review) 吳敏華Wu, Min-Hua article pdf(227)
2020-06 Challenges and Prospects: A Forum on English and American Literary Studies in Taiwan 張淑麗(Shu-Li CHANG) ; 賴俊雄(Chung-Hsiung LAI) ; 莊坤良(Kun-Liang CHUANG) ; 陳超明(Chao-Ming CHEN) ; 林質心(Chih-Hsin LIN) ; 岳宜欣 conference pdf(182)
2020-02 太陽依舊升起: Myaamia語的研究 ; 教育 ; 推廣三角關係 張郇慧、Chang, Hsun-huei article pdf(213)
2020-06 臺灣華語詞法特點 張郇慧、Chang, Hsun-huei article pdf(178)
2020-03 臺灣德文翻譯之現況與挑戰 徐安妮Hsu, An-Nie article pdf(280)
2020-07 Burden or benefit: a preliminary discussion regarding  the impact of Syrian refugees on Turkey  張景安、Chang, Ching-An article pdf(201)
2020-12 Behind the Closed Door of Chinese Teaching on YouTube: A Study on Theorizing OER Practice and Constructing Teacher Identities 招靜琪Chao, Chin-Chi、方瑾、Jin, Fang article pdf(184)
2020-08 信心與失落:前現代西方的「歷史 」敘事 林質心、CHIH-HSIN LIN article 說明頁(211)
2021-04 To make a prairie it takes a clover and one bee : Dickinson`s Manufacturing of the Wild West 許立欣、Hsu, Li-hsin article 說明頁(263)
2020-10 Keats, Higginson, and Snakes: Yang Mu’s Transcultural "Courtship 許立欣、Hsu, Li-hsin article pdf(211)