2023 |
Writer’s Note on the Film Script Wait for Me |
陳惟茗 |
thesis |
pdf(33) |
1976 |
大學生政治消息傳播型態及其影響因素之研究 |
賴國洲、Lai, Guo-Zhou |
thesis |
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1993-12 |
電視單元戲劇展現之社會 |
article |
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2008 |
The research on product placement of cosmetic blog |
YI-CHUN LIN、Lin, Yee Chun |
thesis |
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2009 |
The challenge and the chances of public service broadcasting in a digital multi-channel era: A case study of South Korea |
陳盈帆 |
thesis |
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2005 |
碩士班-廣告所 94年 |
廣告所 |
exam |
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2009 |
A study of public relations professionals` views on public relations curriculums in universities |
HSIAO-TSUI YEN、Yen, Hsiao-Tsui |
thesis |
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2015 |
A Social Network Analysis on Pharmaceuticals Promotion Radio Programs |
黃財振、Huang, Tsair Jenn |
thesis |
2016 |
Examining the Promotion Strategies of Non-profit Organizations for College Relationship Education from the Approach of Social Marketing |
蘇緯、SU, WEI |
thesis |
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2005 |
公共電視發展的危機或轉機?從數位內容與文化創意產業談起 |
report |
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2020 |
Examining the Relationships between Instagram User’s Personality, Self-presentation Tactics and Subjective Well-being |
呂浩綱、Lu, Hao-Kang |
thesis |
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2018 |
A study of the motivations of the purchase of genuine luxury bags and of counterfeit luxury bags |
宮橞霓、Kung, Hui-Ni |
thesis |
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2022-01 |
從新聞組織看日常新聞查證:以臺灣四大報為例 |
CHIN-CHIH CHIANG、Chiang, Chin-Chih |
article |
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2003-06 |
我看蘋果日報登臺的不利點 |
article |
2022 |
A Text Generation Model based on Event Commonsense Knowledge for Reasonable Story Revision |
莊景雲、Chuang, Ching-Yun |
thesis |
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1999.06 |
新聞記者的社會智能:再論記者與消息來源之互動 |
KUO-JEN TSANG、WEI-WEN CHUNG、楊怡珊、Tsang, Kuo-Jen、WEI-WEN CHUNG、Yang, Christine |
conference |
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1995-08 |
異議媒體的停滯與流變之初探:從政論雜誌到地下電台 |
article |
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2015 |
A study of Mainland Students` Facebook Usage and Cultural Adaptation in Taiwan |
徐宥嫺 |
thesis |
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2006-03 |
Seeing the small picture: Ad-self versus ad-culture congruency in international advertising |
article |
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1991-12 |
Perspectices on the Idea of Information Society |
article |
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2004 |
「心靈疾病」的建構─台灣SPA新聞報導分析 |
林佳韻、Lin, Chia Yuun |
conference |
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2014-06 |
飲食敘事與認同建構—以「古早味」之懷舊書寫為例 |
楊癸齡、Yang, Kuei Ling、KUO-JEN TSANG、Tsang, Kuo-Jen |
conference |
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2011 |
control |
謝宗翰、Hsieh, Chung Han |
thesis |
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2021 |
Are We Perfect Mothers Yet? Exploring Taiwanese Mother Influencers’ Self-presentation on Instagram |
王希予、Wang, Hsi-Yu |
thesis |
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1999 |
大眾傳媒、人際溝通對形成台灣地區中學生政治態度傾向之影響—一個學理整合模式 |
CHENG KUO、陳文俊、CHENG KUO、Chen, Wen-chun |
conference |
pdf(969) |