All Of Publications(Limit:Graduate Institute of Religious Studies)

Showing 776-800 of 934
Date Title Author Type Full Text(downloads)
2021-12 禮斗與告斗的歷史以及近代抄本中的斗科 SHU-WEI HSIEH book/chapter
2022 Kawadgarbo: between the Contexts on Local Belief and Tibetan Buddhism 王婷婷、Wang, Ting-ting thesis pdf(153)
2022 Reviving of The Mindfulness-of-Breathing Samādhi at Pa-Auk Monastery in Myanmar: A Field Work Study of Meditation-in-Action 陳法菱、Chen, Fa-Ling thesis pdf(0)
2022 Care as religious cultivation: Ethical dilemma, self-technology and spiritual transformation in disabled care 黃奕偉、Huang, I-Wei thesis pdf(0)
2022 Self-cultivation and Social Engagement - Zhaijiao’s Syncretism with Buddhism, Confucianism and Taoism in Ven. Monk Yuan Man De Jhih’s Life 陳翁清、CHEN, WENG-CHING thesis pdf(8)
2021-07 Collaborator or Savior? Reflections on the Controversy of Traitors Associated with Yiguandao CHING-CHIH LIN、Lin, Ching-chih article web page(187)
2022 Taking a Taiji group as an Example to Study the Buddhist and Daoist Body-Mind Cultivation 王秀妃、Wang, Hsiu-Fei thesis pdf(0)
2022 The Comparative Study of Contemporary Dialogue Theories Between Islam and Christianity 林仁謙、Lin, Jen-Chien thesis pdf(57)
2022 Holy Spirit Healing of the Apocalypse: Z church as an Example of Spirit Armies 詹繡婕、Chan, Xiu-Jie thesis pdf(151)
2022 Consumption and Production of Divinity : Spiritual Experiences for the Generation of 1985-1995 in Taiwan. 鍾雨珊、Chung, Yu-San thesis pdf(167)
2021-09 圖像、儀式與密咒:斗母摩利支天密儀探究 SHU-WEI HSIEH、Hsie, Shi-wei book/chapter web page(153)
2022-06 Daoist Landscape Art in the Late Yuan and Early Ming: The Relationship of Fang Congyi and Daoist Landscape Art SHU-WEI HSIEH、Hsieh, Shu-Wwi article web page(137)
2020-12 Introduction 導論 SHU-WEI HSIEHSHU-WEI HSIEH book/chapter web page(129)
2021-05 張三丰先生全集 SHU-WEI HSIEHSHU-WEI HSIEH book/chapter web page(137)
2021-11 Image, Ritual and Mantra: A Study on the Esoteric Ritual of Dipper Mother Mārīcī SHU-WEI HSIEH conference web page(116)
2021-12 當代靈修運動: 從新不二論與禪宗談起 SHU-WEI HSIEH conference
2021-10 道教內丹文獻與佛教禪宗修習 SHU-WEI HSIEH conference web page(194)
2021-10 道教藝術的觀念與歷史:從台北保安宮潘麗水壁畫作品談起 SHU-WEI HSIEH conference web page(93)
2021-12 轉宗的女神:十四世紀至十七世紀斗母摩利支天的道教化歷程 SHU-WEI HSIEH conference web page(134)
2020-12 十四世紀的道教山水藝術:以方從義為中心 SHU-WEI HSIEH conference web page(124)
2021.09 An Investigation into the Histoire de la mission de Pekin, 1924-1932 HSIN-FANG WU、Wu, Hsin-Fang article web page(218)
2018-11 十九至二十世紀上海徐光啟的紀念活動 HSIN-FANG WU、Wu, Hsin-Fang article web page(169)
2021-05 The Tendai Use of Official Documents in the Ninth Century: Revisiting the Case of Monk Daosui PEI-YING LIN、Lin, Pei-ying article web page(156)
2022-07 Image, ritual and mantra: a study on Esoteric rituals of Dipper Mother Mārīcī SHU-WEI HSIEHSHU-WEI HSIEH article web page(189)
2022 Religious Symbols of Cross-Ethnicity and Gender: A Comparative Study of Ma-zu and Kuan-yin Pilgrimages in Taiwan 黃美英、Huang, Mei-Ying thesis pdf(0)