All Of Publications(Limit:Department of History、2010-2019)

Showing 101-125 of 639
Date Title Author Type Full Text(downloads)
2012 The Changing of Foreign Garrison in Northern China : 1900-1928 李柄佑、LEE, PINGYU thesis pdf(1315)
2010 From binLi to protocol: the courtesy ritual of enovys and the change of foreign-related system in the late qing dynasty 尤淑君、Yu, Shu Chun thesis pdf(2912)
2010 The aphrodisiacs in Ming Dynasty 蘇玉芬 thesis pdf(3869)
2011 Discourse on Reforming the Chinese Traditional Political Institutions: Viewpoint from Huang Zhongxi, Gu Yanwu and Wang Fuzhi 姚育松、Yu, Yih Soong thesis pdf(1146)
2011 The Belgian remission of the Boxer indemnity 陳致榮、Chen, Chih Jung thesis pdf(1237)
2012 The Malaria Control between Taiwan and World Health Organization, 1950-1972 FENG-YUAN HSU、Hsu, Feng Yuan thesis pdf(2898)
2012 The chinese military doctor in war of resistance SHAN-YAO YANG、Yang, Shan Yao thesis pdf(1564)
2012 The reformation of Chinese military in war:From Zhejiang experimental army 蔡明叡、Tasy, Ming Ruey thesis pdf(1132)
2012 A Cultural History of Animals in Modern Taiwan: a case study of Taipei Zoo in Yuan-shan LI-JUNG CHENGLI-JUNG CHENG thesis web page(715)
2012 International Factors in Chinese Currency Reform, form 1934 to 1936 許哲瑋 thesis pdf(1183)pdf(484)
2012 國恥、國魂與「我四萬萬同胞」: 近代中國集體榮辱意識和人口想像的形塑與效應 JUI-SUNG YANGJUI-SUNG YANG report pdf(954)
2012 The Processing Images of Football in the Mid and Late Nineteenth-Century England 馮奕達、Feng, Neof thesis pdf(1159)
2012-06 十六、十七世紀歐洲的禮儀書籍及其研究 MAY-SHINE LINMAY-SHINE LIN article pdf(1026)
2012-11 「身體的身體」:伊拉斯摩斯與人文學者的服飾觀 MAY-SHINE LIN article pdf(934)
2013-01 簡論義淨所譯佛教律典中的句法處理——以出土梵本與漢譯本的對勘為依據 陳明 book/chapter pdf(945)
2013-03 中古医疗与外来文化 陳明 book pdf(1181)
2013-06 文本與語言:出土文獻與早期佛經比較研究 陳明 book web page(1101)
2013 唐代地方官的「移風易俗」──以「淫祠」為例 吳麗冠 thesis web page(674)
2011-12 阿富汗出土梵語戲劇殘葉跋 陳明、Chen, Ming article pdf(675)web page(658)
2012-02 法出波斯:三勒漿源流考 陳明、Chen, Ming article pdf(1146)web page(803)
2012.12 Visual representation and oral transmission of yangsheng techniques in Ming china HSIU-FEN CHENHSIU-FEN CHEN article pdf(1532)
2013-04 Reconsidering Pauline Juxtaposition of Indicative and Imperative (Rom 6:1-14) in Light of Pauline Apocalypticism KUO-YU TSUIKUO-YU TSUI article pdf(1351)
2012-09 晚周秦漢的癃 SHIH-CHI CHIN conference web page(1257)
2012-04 從“一大不調”到“一脈不調”——出土文獻所見隋唐時期印度佛教醫學理論的混融 陳明 conference web page(952)
2013-03 宋代日常生活中的卜算與鬼怪 HSIANG-KWANG LIU book web page(1294)