All Of Publications(Limit:2000-2009)

Showing 43801-43825 of 44104
Date Title Author Type Full Text(downloads)
2008 彰工火力第一、二號機發電計畫環境影響評估民意調查 YU-TING CHENG report
2005-11 從教師專業發展模組談教師進修研習系統建構 MU-JIN CHEN、邱馨儀、陳宏彰 conference
2002 Roadmap Management for Incremental Motion Planning 謝揚權、Hsieh, Yang Chuan thesis web page(358)
2002-02 The Impact of the Der Grundsatez des Vertrauenshutz on the Teacher-Librarian System 廖又生、Liao, Yu-Sheng article pdf(168)
2009 Emerging Li-Ion Battery Market for Electric Vehicle 具滋業、Koo, Ja-Up thesis pdf(1488)
2002 匯率目標區理論的回顧:圖形解析 CHUNG-ROU FANG report pdf(1444)
2000-12 冷戰後時代北韓的外交及其對東北亞的影響 TO-HAI LIOU conference
2002 以Web為基礎的媒體服務與運作平台之研究發展-子計畫三:以嬝奶H資訊為基礎的Web新聞系統之設計與實作(I) MAN-KWAN SHAN report pdf(1202)
2000-07 現行容積移轉制度與容積可移轉量評估之探討 TSUNG-YU LAI、李家儂 article web page(935)
2001 Inferring feasibility in non response of achievement test by using hot deck imputation method 林曉芳 thesis web page(370)
2009 Reserch on Military Law in Qin and Han Dynasty 周穎德 thesis pdf(1060)
2001-05 The Economic Relations between Taiwan and China after WTO Accession JR-TSUNG HUANG conference
2004-12 中國大陸的改革路徑與意涵 李和、Li, He article pdf(271)
2002-05 民眾對當前兩岸關係之看法 YIH-YAN CHENI-CHOU LIUAI WEISU-FENG CHENG report
2001-03 How to Launch and Organize Integration across the Taiwan Strait: An Analysis Based on the EU Experience 蘇宏達 article pdf(165)
2007-11 孟、莊之德比較 CHIH-MEI WANG book/chapter web page(764)
2001 政策分析之政治可行性評估:一個從空間理論的初探 DON-YUN CHEN book/chapter web page(1165)
2007-06 我國企業示範性智慧資本報導報告 TING-WONG CHENGWEN-YING WANGCHINGFU CHANG report
2003 媒體公共論述中民族認同的變遷:八九年亞銀年會事件與「兩國論」事件 陳韻如 thesis pdf(804)pdf(785)pdf(900)pdf(891)pdf(1834)pdf(3841)pdf(3359)pdf(1576)pdf(1690)pdf(996)pdf(1651)
2007 Interlanguage Refusals: A Cross-Cultural Study of EFL Learners in Taiwan and Native Speakers of American English 陳淑珠、Chen,Shu-chu thesis web page(756)
2007 Research on integrated marketing and product innovation of auto insurance 陳文生 thesis pdf(3094)pdf(627)pdf(580)
2004-11 產業園區土地估價與經營管理 SONG-LING YANG conference
2007-06 直接投資實體不動產之組合分析:來自不良資產之實證 CHIN-OH CHANG、王健安、洪式韻、CHIN-OH CHANG、Wang,Chien-An 、Hung,Shih-Yun article pdf(1229)
2008-12 論黃宗羲「盈天地皆心」之義蘊 周芳敏、Jou, Fang-Min article pdf(270)
2007 和中火力發電廠興建計畫環境影響評估民意調查報告 YU-TING CHENG report