
Showing 226-250 of 1489
Date Title Author Type Full Text(downloads)
2009 A study of connections between the culture policy and community development 賴松慶 thesis pdf(2765)
2009 The Impact of consensus conference in policy making process: case study of consensus conference of surrogate motherhood 劉伊晟、Liou, Yi-Sheng thesis web page(357)
2009 A study of human capital in public junior high schools in I-Lan County 王虎存 thesis pdf(1950)
2009 The administrative supervision failure of the distributive politics - A Study of the village and neighborhood funds 簡君玶 thesis
2009 Quality management for policy-making in an era of participatory governance: A study of dental global Budget payment system in Taiwan’s NHI. 吳芳瑜、Wu, Fang Yu thesis web page(339)
2008 以代理人理論探討社會福利公設民營之契約管理—以內政部宜蘭教養院為例 吳宜恬 thesis pdf(1436)pdf(1772)pdf(1242)pdf(1720)pdf(1669)pdf(3274)pdf(1934)pdf(2335)pdf(1001)pdf(1042)pdf(1052)pdf(1020)
2009 The social embeddedness of the decision-making and its influence: The analysis of the decision-making mechanisms in the Chinese medical and dental global budget payment committees in Taiwan 王光旭、Wang, Guang Xu thesis pdf(3106)
2009 Innovation adoptions in ITC’s Policy formulation 吳曜竹、Wu,Yao-Chu thesis
2009 A study of information security management -a case of OCAC 林劭怡 thesis
2007 公務人員利益衝突迴避法制研究 王品清 thesis web page(242)
2007 社會行銷在公部門的應用與限制: 以不燒紙錢宣導政策為例 楊智家 thesis pdf(973)pdf(1168)pdf(1168)pdf(916)pdf(1441)pdf(3049)pdf(1562)pdf(18697)pdf(3769)pdf(1260)pdf(1600)pdf(771)
2008 The Impossibility of Legal Constrain on Bureaucratic Discretion: A Case Study of Supreme Court Rulings 林俞君、Lin, Yu-Chun thesis pdf(877)pdf(1170)pdf(836)pdf(749)pdf(1174)pdf(2171)pdf(1423)pdf(1093)pdf(903)pdf(1167)pdf(1475)
2009 The role of grassroot-level social policy entrepreneur in the policy marketing: a case study of the Anti-Tobacco Hazard Law 王佑任 thesis pdf(1493)
2009 A study of evaluation on the governance mechanism of local cultural industry: a case study of Maokong tea industry 林亦杰、Lin, Yi Chieh thesis pdf(1727)
2009 A study of 5-year-old childhood education policy issues in taiwan: the view of policy tool 吳念霖 thesis pdf(1994)
2009 The study of the process and influence of amending the law about punishing sexual abuse of teachers 黃淑婷 thesis pdf(1777)
2009 Policy convergence?: Understanding the global development of E-government and E-participation 李仲彬、Lee, Chung Pin thesis pdf(2598)
2009 Estabilishing evaluation indices for the performance of e-governance applied in environmental regulatory administration-a case study of regulation of industrial waste 呂羿潔、Lu, Yi Chieh thesis pdf(955)
2002 The research of the use of virtual teams in government department 曾筱尹、Tseng, Hsiao Yin thesis web page(254)
2009 A study of public private partnership: the case of Taipei Beef Noodle Festivalr 江黛靈、Chiang, Tai Ling thesis web page(303)
2006 Self-transformation in public deliberation:the case of citizen conference on yilan science and industrial park 陳怡君、Chen,Yi Chun thesis web page(407)
2010 Research in the evaluation of marketing events under government policy: the case study of Taiwan Lantern Festival 王紹旬、Wang, Shao Hsun thesis web page(516)
2010 The research of judge oral examination system 盧逸斌 thesis web page(465)
2010 The interaction between interest group and deliberative democracy: Case study of public forum for low-level radioactive waste final disposal siting 林心睿 thesis web page(376)
2010 none 李凰詩 thesis web page(319)