
Showing 1-18 of 18
Date Title Type Full Text Scopus WOS Altmetric
2017-10 Exploring the Flow Experience in the Virtual World by the Auto-driving Method article pdf(437)
2016-10 來源國形象對消費者態度與行為影響之後設分析研究 article pdf(510)
2016-06 以後設分析法探討科技接受模式之研究 article pdf(504)
2014.03 Position matters when we stand together: a linguistic perspective on composite brand extensions article pdf(1201)
2010-05-17 打造國際化的求學環境 article
2009-04 贈品促銷深度對贈品組合評價影響之研究 article pdf(1090)
2009 A Research of the Effect of Gift Promotion and Its Spillover Effect article pdf(608)
2009 The Perception of Family Brand Entitativity and Varieties of Family Brands article pdf(578)
2008 A case study of customer capital management in Taiwan’s financial industry article pdf(291)
2005-01 臺北市中大型劇場定位研究--多元尺度分析 article pdf(618)
1999 問題次序的訪答效應之初探 article pdf(737)
1999 非營利組織行銷:表演藝術團體之探索性研究 article 說明頁(916)
1998-02 A Selective Review of Innovation Process Research --- A Metatheoretic Approach article 說明頁(1234)
1998 The Effects of Framing Price Promotion Messages on consumers` Perceptions and Purchase Intention article pdf(1465)
1996 Consumer Reliance on Intrinsic and Extrinsic Cues in Product Evaluations article pdf(1088)
1995-06 A Categorization Approach to Market Segmentation article pdf(557)
1995-06 A Categorization Approach to Market Segmentation article pdf(637)
1986-02 研究發展績效之衡量與分析 article 說明頁(1104)
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