Publications-Periodical Articles

Showing 1-14 of 14
Date Title Type Full Text
2023-12 Becoming a mother: A role learning perspective on the use of online community resources to facilitate a life-role transition article web page(75)
2023-08 Service Innovation in the IT Service Industry: Social Influence and Relationship Exchange Perspectives article web page(131)
2022-07 Enhancing IT industry employees’ service innovation performance: antecedents and outcomes of service innovation engagement article web page(161)
2020-09 共居如何提升歸屬感? 以行動研究實證「玖樓共生公寓」之管理實務 article pdf(177)
2020-01 Too engaged to contribute? An exploration of antecedents and dual consequences of newcomer engagement in online social groups article pdf(193)
2019-09 Looking at both sides of relationship dynamics in virtual communities: A social exchange theoretical lens article pdf(202)
2016-01 Reciprocity norms and information-sharing behavior in online consumption communities: An empirical investigation of antecedents and moderators article pdf(1072)
2015-05 How transformational leadership fuels employees’ service innovation behavior article web page(903)pdf(510)
2014.01 Why Do Newcomers Participate in Virtual Communities? An Integration of Self-Determination and Relationship Management Theories. article pdf(1461)
2013.05 User adoption of social networking sites: Eliciting uses and gratifications through a means–end approach article pdf(1113)
2013-05 User adoption of social networking sites article pdf(248)
2013.04 Explaining Members` Proactive Participation in Virtual Communities article pdf(954)
2012.03 Positive and negative aspects of online community cultivation: Implications for online stores’ relationship management article pdf(1230)
2011.04 How virtual community participation influences consumer loyalty intentions in online shopping contexts: An investigation of mediating factors. article pdf(1345)
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