Publications- All

Showing 1-23 of 23
Date Title Type Full Text
2021-09 Influencing Consumer Response to Highly Aesthetic Products: The Role of Mindsets article pdf(188)
2019-03 The Dual-mediation Effect of Perceived Accuracy and Perceived Connectedness on Consumer Attitude toward Social Network Advertising conference web page(370)
2018-01 Influencing Consumer Response to Products with High Styling: The Role of Mindsets conference web page(332)
2017-06 Identity Marketing: The Moderating Effect of Self Construal and Product Category on Consumer Agency conference web page(1703)
2017-04 Exploring Wasteful Consumption article pdf(743)
2017-02 The Influence of Pro-environmental Credentials on Wasteful Consumption conference pdf(686)
2017 Creating an effective code-switched ad for monolinguals: The influence of brand origin and foreign language familiarity article pdf(326)
2016-10 Local or Global Image? The Role of Consumers` Local-Global Identity in Code-Switched Advertising Effectiveness Among Monolinguals article pdf(500)
2016-02 Re-investigating Language Choice for Multinational Corporations and Local Firms with a Focus on Monolinguals conference pdf(946)
2016-01 Language Choice in Advertising for Multinational Corporations and Local Firms: A Re-Inquiry Focusing on Monolinguals article pdf(228)
2015-05 Physical activity and food consumption: The moderating role of individual dieting tendency article web page(909)
2015 Language Choice in Advertising for Multinational Corporations and Local Firms: A Reinquiry Focusing on Monolinguals article pdf(716)
2014 轉碼廣告的說服力—語言熟悉程度、消費者認同與產品類別的干擾效果 report pdf(322)
2013 The face value of foreign currency on consumer price perception—The moderating effect of product substitution article pdf(831)
2012 Double Standard: The Role of Environmental Consciousness in Green Product Usage article pdf(971)
2012 Self-construal and regulatory focus influences on persuasion: The moderating role of perceived risk article web page(843)
2010 Attributions and Outcomes of Customer Misbehavior article pdf(988)
2008 The Sense and Nonsense of Consumer Product Testing: How to Identify Whether Consumers Are Blindly Loyal? article web page(797)
2007 Impetus for Worship: An Exploratory Study of Adolescents` Idol Adoration Behaviors article pdf(856)
2006 電子化服務價值:消費者知識與知覺風險之干擾效果 article pdf(620)
2005 Gender Differences in Unrealistic Optimism About Marriage and Divorce: Are Men More Optimistic and Women More Realistic? article pdf(1002)
2004 The Interaction between Order of Elicitation and Event Controllability on the Self-Positivity Bias. article web page(863)
2003 Avoiding Anxiety, Being in Denial, or Simply Stroking Self-Esteem: Why Self-Positivity? article pdf(932)
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