All Of Publications(Limit:College of Liberal Arts、Theses、1990-1999)

Showing 251-275 of 459
Date Title Author Type Full Text(downloads)
1994 WIND SPIRIT WORSHIP IN ANCIENT CHINA 魏慈德、Wei, Tzu Te thesis web page(536)
1994 The Confucian Analects of the Ching Changchow School 劉錦源、Liu, Chin Yuan thesis web page(281)
1994 A study on kao ming - k`ai`s theories of Chinese Syntax 金正必、Kim, Jeong Pil thesis web page(447)
1994 A study on cheng gu his poems on the subject of his friend`s and acquaintances 金秀美、Kim, Soo Mi thesis web page(335)
1994 Chang chu-p"o"s theory on the novel through his commentary on Ch -in-ping-mei 朴炫玡、Park, Hyun A thesis web page(313)
1994 The Research of Chu Hsi and Academy 周杏芬、Jou, Shing Fen thesis web page(262)
1994 The Research of the Ci Poetry of Guo Lin 柯雅芬、Ka, Ya Fen thesis web page(339)
1994 A study of the Life of Wang Juei Yi and the concept of \"Lii Tian \" in His\"Lii Shuh Her Jiee\" 鍾雲鶯、Jong, Yun-Ing thesis web page(433)
1994 Study of the Tiee Tii Tzyh of Kae Shu 王昌煥、Wang, Chang Huan thesis web page(319)web page(280)web page(419)
1994 A Research into Wen-Ito`s Studies on the Book of Odes 侯美珍、Hou, Mei Chen thesis web page(291)
1994 The Research of Dreams in Poetry of The Middle T`ang Dynasty 莊蕙綺、Chuang, Huei Chi thesis web page(751)
1996 嚴復富強思想研究 李永海 thesis web page(582)
1995 戴維森的隱喻理論之研究 陳文珊 thesis web page(350)
1994 A Study of T`ien-t`ai Perfect Doctrine and its Buddha Nature Theory 許國華、Sheu, Gwo Hhwa thesis web page(491)
1994 On Quine`s Holism 林敬堯、Lin, Chin Yao thesis web page(457)
1994 From MEANING VARIANCE to INCOMMENSURABILITY of THEORY 方珮齡、Fang, Pei Ling thesis web page(380)
1994 An Enquiry on Critical Buddhism in Contemporary Japan 呂凱文、Lui, Kai Wen thesis web page(535)
1994 Mantal Process and Intentional Content 李志成、Lee, Henry thesis web page(456)
1994 Nagarjuna`s Thought Of Madhyamika-Pratityasamutpada 劉英孝、Liu, Ing Shau thesis web page(754)
1994 Folk Psychology as Theory or Practice?─The Debate Between Eliminative Materialism and Instrumentalism, and a Tentative Solution 劉增平、Liu, Chen Pin thesis web page(415)
1994 A Study of Kant`s Aesthetics 黃允中、Huang, Yung Chung thesis web page(454)
1995 北伐時期湖南農民運動研究 簡秋慧、Jian, Qiu Hui thesis web page(374)
1995 圍繞中國海關問題的國際動向──以英、日勢力的對局為中心(1931~1941) 蔡紅金 thesis web page(416)
1994 Nietzsche`s Philosophy of Art in The Birth of Tragedy 劉佳奇、Liu, Chia Chi thesis web page(449)
1994 The Analysis of Foucault`s Archeaology of Human Sciences 柯莉純、Ko, Li Chun thesis web page(781)