All Of Publications(Limit:Department of History、Theses)

Showing 501-525 of 663
Date Title Author Type Full Text(downloads)
2016 Liberty and Holy Commonwealth: John Milton’s Republicanism 尤智威、Yu, Chih Wei thesis pdf(687)
2010 The study of Readers in the Library of Office of Taiwan Governor-General During Japanese Colonial Period 黃慈怡、Huang, Chi Yi thesis
2016 The Agricultural Machinery Industry in Modern China CHIA-HSING HOCHIA-HSING HO thesis pdf(1928)
2016 The Development of Running and the Great Public Schools in 19th Century England 程奕嘉、Cheng, I Chia thesis pdf(1147)
2016 From A Dependency to A Special Region:A Study on Interiorzation of Rehe, 1723-1914 許富翔 thesis pdf(1624)
2016 Research of the Relationship between Generals of Shen-ce Forces and Eunuchs in Tang Dynasty 魏宇漢 thesis pdf(2138)
2016 Chen Jiong-ming and The Federalist Movement in China 劉妤榕、Liu, Yu Rong thesis pdf(402)
2016 The Eurocentrism in Taiwan High School World History Courses,1952–2015 胡捷、Hu, Chieh thesis
2016 Battle Array and Body: Mandarin Duck Formation in Late Ming Military Culture 吳承瑾、Wu, Cheng Ching thesis pdf(1806)
2016 The Banhong Incident and International Politics: A Case Study of Sino-British Negotiation for the Investigation of the Undelimited Southern Section of the Yunnan-Burma Frontier, 1934-1961 蕭宇辰、Hsiao, Yu Chen thesis
2016 L. K. Little and Chinese Maritime Customs(1943-1950) 李仕寧、Li, Shih Ning thesis pdf(726)
1984 張國燾與早期的中共 杜梅生 thesis web page(478)
1984 中國內地會之研究. (一八六五-一九二六) 林美玫 thesis web page(805)
1984 日本統治下的臺灣教會學校 孫慈雅 thesis web page(626)
1984 民國早期山西教育之研究. (一九一二-一九二八) 張遵倩 thesis web page(424)
1984 幣原喜重郎的對華政策. (一九二四-一九二七) 陳昭璇 thesis web page(557)
1984 柏克的保守主義 : 探討其與英國憲政傳統之關係 劉唐芬 thesis web page(526)
1984 北伐期間工運之研究 蘇啓明 thesis web page(485)
1985 韓民流移東北之研究. (1860-1910) 金澤中 thesis web page(462)
1985 吳稚暉與國語運動 詹瑋 thesis web page(506)
1985 西潮下的儒學 : 熊十力與新儒學. (一九二二-一九四九) HSIANG-KWANG LIU thesis web page(653)
1984 徐世昌與南北議和之研究 林桶法 thesis web page(611)
1985 清季江蘇省學會運動之研究. (一八九五-一九一一) 何思瞇 thesis web page(609)
1985 孫傳芳與五省聯防 楊同慧 thesis web page(559)
1985 江蘇省農村金融之調劑. (民國元年-廿六年) 劉河北 thesis web page(538)