All Of Publications(Limit:College of Law、Theses、2000-2009)

Showing 351-375 of 547
Date Title Author Type Full Text(downloads)
2006 領域外犯罪之刑事管轄-論屬人原則 柯慶忠 thesis web page(435)
2006 韓國定型化約款規制法審查定型化約款之研究 沈相佑 thesis pdf(743)pdf(670)pdf(725)pdf(986)pdf(2446)pdf(1305)pdf(763)pdf(648)pdf(812)pdf(1209)
2006 金融控股公司法下關係人交易之研究 張晴玲 thesis web page(451)
2005 鑑識會計在法庭上的運用 陳正偉 thesis pdf(789)pdf(1151)pdf(829)pdf(738)pdf(2553)pdf(1355)pdf(1077)
2008 The theory and practice of the legal system of private equity funds 陳育惠、Chen, Yu Hui thesis pdf(955)pdf(1024)pdf(1095)pdf(1148)pdf(1477)pdf(6239)pdf(1258)pdf(3476)pdf(1880)pdf(2875)pdf(1074)pdf(1260)
2006 從證交法第二十條之一論發行人及其負責人、會計人員及會計師之民事責任 黃婷鈺 thesis web page(536)
2008 A study of relation between concerted action and Fair Trade Law-an example of administrative action for concerted increasing price action in tree leading milk products companies case 王攀傑、Wang, Pan Chieh thesis web page(378)
2007 公共工程廠商延誤履約進度處理要點探討─以監督付款為中心 陳逸如 thesis pdf(1106)pdf(986)pdf(1391)pdf(1188)pdf(1549)pdf(7168)pdf(7634)pdf(5392)pdf(8142)pdf(2041)pdf(1587)pdf(2803)pdf(2299)pdf(917)
2008 Preliminary research on laws, regulations and implementation of domestic violence inflicter treatment programs, with focus on networking role of probation officer and relevant regulation required. 周瑋芸 thesis pdf(1184)
2005 我國有價證券承銷制度暨承銷商法律責任之探討 龔怡傳 thesis web page(314)
2008 The Study of the Second Instance in Japanese Criminal Procedure 陳立祺、Chen, Li-Chi thesis pdf(2567)
2008 Intellectual property case adjudication act 洪陸麟 thesis pdf(1204)pdf(1050)pdf(1501)pdf(1255)pdf(7222)pdf(6041)pdf(14734)pdf(5255)pdf(3696)pdf(4703)pdf(11736)pdf(1303)pdf(2080)
2006 論我國婚生推定與婚生否認之訴 高玉惠 thesis pdf(735)pdf(875)pdf(737)pdf(1932)pdf(968)pdf(3736)pdf(12766)pdf(1439)pdf(1142)
2001 新聞自由與刑法之衝突--以美國法為中心,論洩密、誹謗與侵犯隱私之責任 徐子婷 thesis web page(325)
2001 全權委託投資業務法律關係之研究 王育慧 thesis web page(428)
2002 立法院預算審議權之研究 林鴻柱 thesis web page(258)
2002 原住民族教育及其法規範之研究 張源泉 thesis web page(409)
2009 Maritime law enforcement - the procedure of maritime law enforcement by maritime patrol directorate general 曾彥雄 thesis web page(499)
2009 The research of collective party suits 余銘軒 thesis web page(451)
2009 The change of family law: from the perspective of anti-same-surname and anti-same-sex marriage 洪屏芬、Hong, Ping Fen thesis web page(426)
2006 銀行保管箱定型化契約條款與相關問題之研究 黃聖涵 thesis web page(452)
2009 The recognition of foriegn civil judgment 唐敏寶、Tang, Min Pao thesis web page(400)
2008 Research of religious issues under the ROC Constitution 黃雅琪 thesis web page(536)
2009 The deviation of causal course and the attribution of intention —new standard: theory of independent assessment 戚本律、Chi, Pen Lu thesis web page(457)
2008 Competition Strategy of Pharmaceutical Industry in Taiwan based on Changes of Patent law and Practice of International Phamaceutical Companies 賴怡臻、Lai,yi chen thesis web page(701)