All Of Publications(Limit:Theses)

Showing 26-50 of 48142
Date Title Author Type Full Text(downloads)
2008 Film Narrative Exploration Based on Social Network Analysis of Characters 余孟芝、Yu, Meng Chih thesis web page(581)
2008 Session-aware logging utility for web applications 周彥江、Chou, Yann Jiang thesis web page(479)
2008 Moving Direction Based Greedy Routing Algorithm for VANET 黃祥德 thesis web page(613)
2006 An Adaptive IEEE 802.11 MAC in Multihop Wireless Ad Hoc Networks Considering Large Interference Range 涂建明 thesis web page(525)
2002 Load Balance and Seamless Roaming with QoS support in IEEE 802.11 WLAN 連志峰、Lien, Chih-Feng thesis web page(505)
2005 以令牌桶機制為基礎的IEEE 802.16允許控管以及上行封包排程 江啟宏、Chiang,Chi-Hung thesis web page(580)
2006 Using Dynamic Aspects to Implement User-to-User Delegation 黃啟峰 thesis web page(438)
2006 A Modeling Language of Domain Specific Editors Based on Graphical Modeling Framework 呂宗龍、Lv,Zong-Long thesis web page(466)
2005 改善SCTP協定於無線網路中點對點效能之研究 徐富寬、Hsu ,Fu-Kuan thesis web page(717)
2005 雙網環境下藉由價格機制改善服務品質與廠商收益之研究 呂柏翰、Lu,Bohan thesis web page(626)
2006 A New TCP Congestion Control Mechanism over Wireless Ad Hoc Networks by Router-Assisted Approach 蕭和政、Hsiao, Ho-Cheng thesis web page(495)
2004 「企業雜誌」社會責任之研究-以大同公司《大同雜誌》為例 陳瑞中、Chen, Ruey-Jong thesis web page(1063)
2007 深海水域展示設計之研究 ─以台灣海生館之「世界水域館」為例 萬 榮 奭、Wang, Jung Shih thesis web page(711)
2007 The Cases and the Influences of burnout for news anchors 林書煒、Lin, Shu Wei thesis web page(753)
2007 旅遊資訊於行動裝置平台之設計分析 林君萍 thesis web page(677)
2007 財經雜誌新聞置入性行銷報導對記者專業表現的影響 楊倩蓉 thesis web page(619)
2007 企業贊助之整合行銷傳播研究-以統一超商的Simple Life簡單生活節為例 馬其文、Ma,Chi Wen thesis web page(1111)
2007 快樂購卡社群經營研究:關係管理觀點 林家琪 thesis web page(741)
2007 Experiential Marketing Strategies : A case study of Eslite Xin Yi Store 林暄蕎 thesis web page(704)
2007 The study on the relationship between the E-commerce web page layout and eye movement- Cases of the Yahoo! Kimo Shopping Center、PChome Online Store and Gohappy eStore 黃毓芬 thesis web page(687)
2008 Frame Analysis of Taiwan Karaoke Pop Music 呂理傑、Lu, Li Chieh thesis web page(698)
2008 Political Bias in Taiwan Television Enterprise`s Coverage of the four Presidential Elections in Taiwan: 1996-2008 林裕展、Lin , Yu Chan thesis
2008 A process analysis of how the leadership skills honed in multiplayer online games: A case study of a world of warcraft`s raiding guild. 劉瑋 thesis web page(974)
2004 是利器?是枷鎖? --公關人員行動電話使用與影響 游敏鈴 thesis web page(671)
2006 A study of the press image change of political figures : a contentanalysis of China Times, United Daily News and The Liberty Times of Lien Chan(1998-2004) 陳文浩、Chen, Wen Hao thesis web page(669)