All Of Publications(Limit:Theses)

Showing 47726-47750 of 48142
Date Title Author Type Full Text(downloads)
2021 Comparative Research of Democratization between Taiwan and Ukraine 陳柏衡、Chen, Po-Heng thesis pdf(150)
1983 張伯倫綏靖政策之研究(1937-1939年) 黃健良 thesis web page(419)
2013 Discussion for Key Factors of Reverse Mortgage Program in Taiwan 王淑娟 thesis pdf(1631)
2016 From A Dependency to A Special Region:A Study on Interiorzation of Rehe, 1723-1914 許富翔 thesis pdf(1627)
2021 The Risk Management Mechanism of Pandemic: A Study on The Business Interruption Insurance 陳庭芳、Chen, Ting-Fang thesis pdf(264)
2023 Theory and Practice of Small and Middle States’ Strategy Under Great Power Struggle in 21st Century Asia: Case Studies of South Korea and Singapore 雍伯康、Yung, Po-Kang thesis pdf(177)
2010 The comparative study of firm behavior and industry evolution-- take revenue top500 companies as examples 陳湘瑾 thesis web page(623)
2006 Computer Aided Item Translation for the Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study 呂明欣、Lu,Ming-Shin thesis web page(361)
2021 A Study on the Development of BBNJ Agreement’ s Impacts on Freedom to Lay Submarine Cables and Pipelines 林聖堯、Lin, Sheng-Yao thesis pdf(37)
2019 The Study of Type D Industrial Lands Spatial Allocation and Industrial Park Feasibility - A Case Study of Hsinchu 鄒怡明、Tsou, I-Ming thesis pdf(448)
2005 The capital market reaction to the abolishment of mandated financial forecast 周美慧、Chou, Mei - Hui thesis pdf(764)pdf(816)pdf(790)pdf(721)pdf(844)pdf(1843)pdf(4703)pdf(1279)pdf(881)pdf(1530)
2009 A study on the foreign policy of Brazil in the age of globalization 張俊菲 thesis web page(481)
2002 我國古蹟指定程序之研究 王世英 thesis web page(334)
2016 Using Smart Mobile Device for Indoor Navigation with Scene Constraint FANG-SHII NINGFANG-SHII NING thesis pdf(955)
1990 所得稅的稅收預測-預測效果與效果監控 羅時萬 thesis
2003 企業營運總部之股市影響 林必佳、Pi-chia Lin thesis pdf(758)pdf(1000)pdf(1081)pdf(2411)pdf(1396)pdf(1072)pdf(1067)
1994 A Study for the Commercial Spatial Structure in Taipei 黃名義、Huang, Ming Yih thesis web page(434)
2007 多國公司區域策略、區域組織及子公司角色改變-三者關係之研究 李貴惠 thesis pdf(1035)pdf(2986)pdf(1092)pdf(984)pdf(3389)pdf(6277)pdf(3190)pdf(1579)pdf(2971)pdf(1323)pdf(1581)pdf(1471)pdf(1894)
1997 「抗日民族統一戰線」時期中共階級鬥爭革命型態轉變之研究 蘇上傑 thesis
2014 HearMe: assisting the visually impaired to record vibrant moments of everyday life 蔡宜璇、Tsai, Yi Hsuan thesis pdf(615)
2009 Research tool patent protection and licensing for biomedical innovations in united states 蔡鴻文 thesis pdf(609)
1987 技術機構組織設計之研究 : 省屬農林技術機構個案分析 YI-NOU CHANG thesis web page(557)
2011 Operating and launching strategies for camera lens protector 林正峯、Lin, Jeff thesis web page(474)
2007 公開收購交易中股東壓迫問題之研究 林致平 thesis pdf(5260)
2010 A Study of smoothing methods for small area population 金碩、Jin, Shuoh thesis pdf(254)