All Of Publications(Limit:College of Communication、2000-2009)

Showing 1626-1650 of 2632
Date Title Author Type Full Text(downloads)
2008 The Mechanism of Journalistics Discipline---Analysis on the Feasibility of News Ombudsman System for Taiwan TV Media 王建雄、Chen-hshiung Wang thesis pdf(934)pdf(870)pdf(1026)pdf(933)pdf(1197)pdf(1083)pdf(3584)pdf(1187)pdf(2454)pdf(1621)pdf(1082)pdf(1541)
2009 Political campaign event: Case studies of the Taiwan presidential elections (1996-2008) 劉昭卉、Liu, Chao Hui thesis pdf(9996)
2009 Bokeh position in the photographic culture 吳昌訓、Wu, Chang Hsun thesis pdf(4122)
2007 Media strategies in corporate communications case studies in real estate industry: sinyi realty, Yung-Ching realty, and h&b realty. 洪子雅 thesis pdf(3265)
2008 The study on interactions between bloggers and blog readers - a perspective from relationship marketing 王湘婷、Wang, Hsiang Ting thesis pdf(1074)pdf(1130)pdf(1247)pdf(1266)pdf(3314)pdf(1445)pdf(1364)pdf(2070)pdf(1417)pdf(1451)pdf(1183)pdf(1150)pdf(1131)
2009 Chinese at heart, western where appropriate: an exploration of professional identity in a chinese medical clinicchinese at heart, western where appropriate: an exploration of professional identity in a chinese medical clinic 劉瑋佳、Laurinaityte, Viktorija thesis pdf(1637)
2009 Media coverage of female politicians in Slovak Republic during the presidential elections in 2009 巴蘭卡、Lenka Babarikova thesis pdf(1915)
2009 Country and product images of Taiwan among the Czech people: the role of country and product familiarity 楊伯瑞、Borek Janecek thesis pdf(1523)
2009 One Wall Many Voices: Framing the U.S.A.-Mexico Border Fence in Editorial Cartoons from the two countries 李莉、Liliana, Arrieta Rodriguez thesis pdf(2884)
2005 A study of the effect of Japan style code advertising 高國珍 thesis pdf(974)pdf(2277)
2007 體驗行銷、體驗價值對顧客滿意度與顧客忠誠度之影響--以彩妝品為例 宋貞儀、Sung,Cheng Yi thesis pdf(1532)pdf(1523)pdf(1667)pdf(1718)pdf(2064)pdf(10025)pdf(10253)pdf(2406)pdf(3055)pdf(3903)
2009 A study of the influence on customer satisfaction and loyalty of LCD TV`s brand touchpoints 吳秀倫 thesis pdf(4457)
2009 How advertising tell stories?:semiotics analysis of Chua-Kuo-Tiu-Tzu commercials 吳肇倫 thesis pdf(939)pdf(939)pdf(891)pdf(934)pdf(1001)pdf(1010)pdf(901)pdf(1795)pdf(944)pdf(1124)pdf(904)pdf(873)
2009 Media use, scientific literacy and attitude toward science among college students in Taiwan 張云慈、Chang, Yun-Tzu thesis pdf(2492)
2009 An Exploratory Research of \"zakka\" consumption 徐唯曦 thesis pdf(1496)
2009 Orienting-marketing-a study of effects of consumers` search intention 張逸婷、Chang, Yi Ting thesis pdf(1586)
2008 我的人生謠言! 戴麒軒 thesis pdf(610)pdf(548)pdf(637)pdf(534)pdf(608)pdf(929)pdf(631)pdf(570)pdf(607)pdf(707)
2008 電視收視調查於節目規劃運用之研究-以系統回饋與前饋為焦點 林永智、Lin, Yung-Chih thesis pdf(691)pdf(824)pdf(722)pdf(806)pdf(976)pdf(2931)pdf(1707)pdf(1532)pdf(980)pdf(1395)pdf(766)pdf(2169)
2007 好萊塢後現代童話電影的敘事轉向分析 呂妮霖 thesis pdf(1402)pdf(1139)pdf(1127)pdf(1444)pdf(2662)pdf(9602)pdf(2315)pdf(5895)pdf(2109)pdf(1755)
2009 The Key Success Factors of Digitalization of Cable TV MSO:A Case Study on the Resource Integration of CNS 簡嘉威、Chien, Chia-Wei thesis pdf(5677)
2009 Framing taiwan television news: a content analysis of protest news 林常富 thesis pdf(7761)
2007 夜店空間的社會生產:以信義計畫區為例 劉倚帆 thesis pdf(927)pdf(798)pdf(812)pdf(942)pdf(3207)pdf(1653)pdf(1646)pdf(8866)pdf(4101)pdf(957)pdf(1908)
2008 反迷間的「禮」與「合」—以批踢踢吐槽版中的異議表達為例 涂迺儀 thesis pdf(695)pdf(817)pdf(702)pdf(811)pdf(1046)pdf(1254)pdf(929)pdf(912)pdf(893)pdf(1223)pdf(890)
2007 懷舊圖像的消費——以小草藝術學院明信片為例 吳靖雯、Jing-Wen, Wu thesis pdf(862)pdf(735)pdf(713)pdf(630)pdf(1060)pdf(1333)pdf(1172)pdf(917)pdf(872)pdf(1293)pdf(645)
2009 On temporality and imagination of news narrative 陳安駿 thesis pdf(1392)