All Of Publications(Limit:2010-2019)

Showing 2626-2650 of 42462
Date Title Author Type Full Text(downloads)
2011 A study on reading and writing competence indicators of the grades 1-9 English curriculum in junior high school english workbooks 王羿婷、Wang, Yi Ting thesis pdf(543)pdf(590)pdf(806)
2011 A study on theme types in Taiwanese senior high school students` narratives 蔡慈娟、Tsai, Tsi Chuen thesis pdf(1228)
2011 The cyber-body of webcam interaction: a viewpoint of affordance 葉倩如、Yeh, Chinq Ju thesis pdf(821)pdf(647)pdf(1207)
2011 The reconstructed picture images in Taiwan’s tourist books of Northern Europe 陳宜君 thesis pdf(866)pdf(2302)
2011 Writing, experience and bodily feeling: a study based on the contemporary food writing 賴怡潔、Lai, Yi Chieh thesis pdf(561)
2011 The regulation of pharmaceutical advertising and health literacy LIN,CHENG-YU LIN、Lin, Cheng-Yu thesis pdf(2516)
2011 Online community collaboration and its antecedents: the mediating effect of community engagement 蕭丞傑、Hsiao, Cheng Chieh thesis pdf(686)
2010 The study of the relationships among experiential marketing, brand equity and life style- taking home furnishing stores as examples 劉純婷、Liu, Chun Ting thesis pdf(602)
2010 The relationships among corporate branding, brand-centered HRM, employee-based brand equity, and brand citizenship behavior 黃麗蓉 thesis
2011 The 4C analysis of social media usage in travel e-commerce 張念晴、Chang, Nien-Ching thesis
2011 Research on the continuance intention of companies attending exhibitions to use innovative technology 陳奕君 thesis
2011 The influence of Taiwan national quality award for company financial performances 李典運、Lee, Tien Yun thesis pdf(1332)
2011 Implementing web governance - a case study of a high-tech company 陳恩瑋、Chen, En Wei thesis
2011 Home market effect, relative demand and location choice: an empirical study of trade in creative goods 彭素玲、Peng, Su Ling thesis pdf(814)
2011 The International Test and the Threshold Regressive Analysis of the Fed model 潘彥君 thesis web page(327)
2011 Exchange rate regimes and economic growth rates: empirical studies among APEC`s country members 高育幸 thesis pdf(416)
2011 The relationship between users and website: An comparison of official website, internet forum, and facebook 王崇軒 thesis pdf(371)
2011 Utilzation of patent search and patent analysis as a tool to aid product development: an empirical study of Ganoderma Industry 周書瑜 thesis pdf(3283)
2011 Trajectories and patterns of research towards theory-building in the early stage of front-end innovation 劉世偉、Liu, Shi Wei thesis pdf(1212)
2011 Cultural district innovation, place marketing and cultural policy-comparative studies of three cultural districts in Seoul, Korea 朴鍾恩 thesis pdf(1042)pdf(1063)
2011 The performance of different two-stage Instrumental Variable methods for binary outcomes 莊安婷、Jhuang, An Ting thesis pdf(1106)
2011 The Research on Taiwan’s better life index using cluster analysis 黃昭華 thesis web page(205)
2011 應用集群分析於台灣政治版圖之研究─以十一屆至十三屆總統選舉為例 許育誌、Hsu, Yu Chih thesis web page(247)
2011 Evaluation and Applications of the Package "rBeta2009" 劉世璿、Liu, Shih Hsuan thesis pdf(1988)
2011 The application of Cluster Analysis on criminal research in Taiwan 林釗榆 thesis web page(309)