All Of Publications(Limit:2010-2019)

Showing 1701-1725 of 42463
Date Title Author Type Full Text(downloads)
2011 Asymmetric dynamic conditional correlation of Asia stock and bond returns 彭筠珈、Peng, Yun Chia thesis web page(359)
2010 The effect of experiential marketing on online word of mouth and the citizens medical care seeking behaviors:Chinatime-Health Blog 卓惠姿 thesis web page(520)
2011 In what way can STI policy research community influence policy? -Case of the United Kingdom PEI CHUN LEE、Lee, Pei Chun thesis web page(681)
2010 The transformation process of conventional industries from manufacturing to creative life business: the perspective of dynamic capability 李承陸 thesis web page(634)
2010 An innovative business model of electronic entertainment kiosk - based on the exercise demand of senior. 蔡孟宏、Tsai, Meng Hung thesis web page(434)
2010 Research of the creative clusters in districts of Taipei 古佳玉、Ku, Chia Yu thesis web page(644)
2010 The way of Taiwan`s original animation brand 翁鶴佳 thesis web page(472)
2011 Creation behind curation: creative response to constraints through brokerage 何冠廷、Ho, Kuan Ting thesis web page(554)
2011 2010 Vancouver Winter Olympics Sponsorship announcement and stock reaction 張廷飛 thesis web page(297)
2010 The determinants of the financial institutions’ subscription in global syndicated loan market 蔡依純、Tsai, Yi Chun thesis
2011 Case study: Dangdang 郭品緒、Kuo, Pin Hsu thesis web page(294)
2011 The borrowing behaviors of financial institutions in the syndicated loan market 謝立威 thesis
2010 research of value-added data application in internet health community 林耀弘 thesis web page(187)
2010 我國連鎖便利商店涉入保險相關服務之法律與監理問題之研究 鄭筱璇、Cheng, Hsiao-hsuan thesis
2011 The study of the middle-aged generation`s perspective on the choices of residential after retirement in Taiwan 陳斐娟 thesis web page(280)
2011 The impact of IFRS on the concession operator’s financial statements and operating performance reporting – with a case study 張淑瑩 thesis web page(424)
2010 The M&A strategy study of Taiwan telecommunication industry toward optical broadband era 婁道生、Lou, Tao Sheng thesis web page(416)
2011 Cloud computing industry strategic marketing analysis:IBM and HPQ study 吳宙穎、Wu, Chou Ying thesis web page(650)
2011 Strategic marketing analysis of distributors in automation components industry: a case study from marketing 4C framework aspect 劉年進 thesis web page(247)
2011 興櫃市場與初次上市(櫃)股票異常報酬關聯性研究 曾啟汶 thesis web page(220)
2011 Dram industry rebuilding strategy analysis in Taiwan 楊智翔 thesis web page(415)
2010 企業購併之品牌整合策略-以船用潤滑油為例 劉坤錫 thesis web page(294)
2010 Marketing strategy analysis of Taiwan medical nutrition industry - from 4C framework aspect 洪麗雅、Hung, Li Ya thesis web page(374)
2011 The new living room under Smart TV generation 楊宗熙 thesis web page(267)
2010 The success factors of marketing & sales strategies for bacterial biotechnology industry of living environment- HO-CHIEN-DAI Co.,Ltd. as a case study - 程建興 thesis web page(379)