
Showing 276-300 of 496

Graduate Institute of Technology and Innovation Management



Date Title Author Type Full Text(downloads)
2011 A Strategic Analysis on the Value Creations and Business Models of Technological Entrepreneurship 吳其原、Wu, Chi Yuan thesis web page(467)
2010 The value co-creation of SimpleLife Festival 高于婷、Kao, Yu Ting thesis web page(583)
2011 A case study on the first-mover advantage of cosmeceutical industry 周千玉、Chou, Chien Yu thesis web page(658)
2011 Trajectories and patterns of research towards theory-building in the early stage of front-end innovation 劉世偉、Liu, Shi Wei thesis pdf(1211)
2011 Cultural district innovation, place marketing and cultural policy-comparative studies of three cultural districts in Seoul, Korea 朴鍾恩 thesis pdf(1039)pdf(1061)
2011 The competitive strategy of technological innovation of PCHome 24-hour shopping– based on patent analysis of warehouse management technology 陳桂弦 thesis pdf(7898)
2011 The business opportunity identification of new venture -a case study on HCP 楊貽叡 thesis web page(518)
2011 A case study on the industry dynamic evolutions of Taiwan IC design industry 張記綱 thesis web page(672)
2011 The crowd sourcing strategy- A case study on Fashion industry in Taiwan 林于涵 thesis web page(464)
2011 The gatekeeping research of Taiwan`s film festival: the cases of Taipei Film Festival and Kaouhsiung Film Festival 王志桓 thesis web page(587)
2011 The profiting models of mobile applications 何易剛 thesis web page(352)
2011 The study of the international invention competition - Gatekeeping perspective 劉于瑄 thesis web page(639)
2011 Conversational capital management in movie marketing 蔡齡萱 thesis web page(658)
2011 電信商提供適地性服務對消費者服務品質、顧客滿意度和顧客忠誠度的影響-以中華電信為例 陳宛渝、Chen,Wan Yu thesis web page(552)
2011 The new concept of art festival - the value creation of GEISAI 呂紹弘 thesis web page(453)
2011 Gatekeeping Stategy on online marketplaces from the multi-sided platforms perspective: a case study on App store and Android market 顏瓊玉、Yan, Chung Yu thesis pdf(3726)
2011 The decision determinants of physician’s innovation adoption - a empirical study of coronary stent diffusion in Taiwan 孫玉齡 thesis web page(408)
2011 組織創新對企業新事業發展之核心能力的影響初探 李佩樺、Lee, Pei Hua thesis pdf(462)
2011 The urban evolution during 1999-2010 in the middle-east district of Tainan City - a creative city perspective 林青青、Lin, Ching Ching thesis pdf(8259)
2011 The Determinants of Disruptive Innovation - An Empirical Study of Taiwan Manufacturing Industry 何弘凱、Ho, Hong Kai thesis web page(644)
2011 The study of business plan competition in Taiwan - from the perspecture of gatekeeping 江育勝、Jiang, Yu Sheng thesis pdf(2179)
2012 The Core Competence of Rampaging Growing IT Company The Case Study of Acer Inc. (2005-2010) 蔡榮龍、Tsai, Frank thesis web page(1009)
2011 The impacts of knowledge management on service innovation 劉憶蓁 thesis web page(390)
2011 The research on new vehicle development from independent R&D to construction of core competence –a case study of company A 張芸華 thesis web page(349)
2011 R&D Sharing and Cooperation within the supply chain: the case of Taiwan IT companies 吳彥 thesis pdf(737)