
Showing 151-175 of 183
Date Title Author Type Full Text(downloads)
2021 The Religious management of Mountain Control(Indigenous Area) Period in Early Postwar Era 萬育莘、Wan, Yu-Hsing thesis pdf(200)
2021 A Study of Cargo Customs-Clearance Automation in Taiwan (1985-1996) 江聖時、Chiang, Sheng-Shih thesis pdf(0)
2021 A study of the “Luku” Incident and Its Post-processing 李佳蔚、Lee, Chia-Wei thesis web page(258)
2021 The Organization and Work of Taiwan`s Propaganda Policy-Making Core in 1960s 陳㨗、Chen, Chieh thesis pdf(139)
2021 Economic Discourse of Free China Journal: Centering the process of discourse constructing 簡敬易、Jian, Ching-Yi thesis pdf(10)
2021 Visual and Material Culture of “Illustrations of Taiwan Savages Customs” Drawn by Qing Peoples 蘇峯楠、Su, Feng-Nan thesis pdf(696)
2021 The Study of Trade in Taiwan`s Alcoholic Beverage Industry During the period of 1922-1987 陳芷盈、Chen, Chih-Ying thesis pdf(420)
2021 Taiwanese Military Service System and Wartime Mobilization during Japanese Colonization 彭琳淞、Perng, Lin-Son thesis pdf(800)
2021 The establishment of Formosa Television, the first private wireless TV in Taiwan 莊立誠、Chuang, Li-Cheng thesis pdf(56)
2022 Legend, Utilization and Conservation : Whale and Dolphin in Modern Maritime History of Taiwan 許玉欣 thesis pdf(0)
2022 The Death of Taiwanese-native Japanese Soldiers: Bereaved Families, Comrades, Memories and Trauma of the Second World War 吳博臻、Wu, Po-Chen thesis pdf(138)
2015 The Music Control System of Post-war Taiwan(1945-1991) 陳郁婷、Chen, Yu-Ting thesis pdf(186)
2022 The Controversy for Physician Qualification Certification in Post-War Taiwan: also on The Revision of "Physicians Act" 陳雅苓、Chen, Ya-ling thesis pdf(74)
2022 The study of Meiji Sugar Company operation with sugar supply agreement (1926-1935) 洪偉倫、Hong, Wei-Lun thesis pdf(85)
2022 Study on the Narrative of Taiwan`s Print Media in the Early Stage of the 228 Incident 洪紹軒、Hung, Shao-Xuan thesis pdf(148)
2022 Analyzing Taiwan Study of Post War through "The Taiwan Folkways" 田迦友、Tien, Chia-Yu thesis pdf(139)
2022 Political Warfare Bureau with basketball(1949~1960) 賴東璿 thesis pdf(0)
2023 Across the Pacific: The Island of Taiwan in the Official Vision of the United States (1786-1895) 林于庭、Lin, Yu-Ting thesis pdf(176)
2023 A Preliminary Exploration of Taiwan`s Motorcycle Culture: Motorcycle for Fun and the Shaping of Original Sin 李哲維、Lee, Che-Wei thesis pdf(143)
2023 The Women`s Propaganda Affairs in 1950s Taiwan 藍暄侑 thesis pdf(7)
2023 A Study of Taiwan Railway Hotel during the Japanese Colonial Period(1908-1945) 蔣寅文、Chiang, Yin-Wen thesis pdf(12)
2023 The political localization of post-war Taiwan 陳佳德、TAN, KA-TIK thesis pdf(13)
2024 On the Narrating of Transmedia PC Game in Taiwan after 1990:Based upon A Case Study of “Wu-Hsia”RPG 顏堉至、Yen, Yu-Zhi thesis pdf(0)
2024 The Fabrication of "Chiang Ching-Kuo": The Image Propaganda of Chiang Ching-Kuo as the President of the Executive Yuan(1972-1978) 潘柏廷、PAN, BO-TING thesis pdf(4)
2024 The Ordeal of the Prophet: The Political identity of Presbyterian Church in Taiwan after World War II (1945-2008) 許見賢、Hsu, Chien-Hsien thesis pdf(4)