
Showing 251-275 of 858
Date Title Author Type Full Text(downloads)
2010 Asset allocation and bankruptcy problems of insurance company in general financial models 楊尚穎、Yang, Shang Yin thesis pdf(329)
2010 A study on the solvency capital requirements of the life insurance companies in Taiwan-estimated in Solcency II QIS5 principles 林正國、Lin, Cheng Kuo thesis pdf(1208)
2010 The empirical study for the relationship between corporate image and financial and underwriting performance of life insurance companies in Taiwan 萬憶蓮、Wan, Yi Lien thesis pdf(1364)
2010 商業犯罪風險管理與保險之研究 林希鴻、Lin, Hsi Hung thesis pdf(833)
2010 Discussions on the feasibility of typhoon and flood insurance as government sponsored insurance 張嘉敏、Chang, Chia Min thesis pdf(901)
2009 The structure of beneficiary in life insurance 劉于嘉 thesis pdf(508)pdf(462)pdf(3524)
2009 The optimal product portfolios for hedging longevity risks and financial risks for life insurers: multi-factors immunization approach 劉志勇、Liu, Chih Yung thesis pdf(1137)
2009 The study on the asset risk factor of insurance industry in Taiwan 曾于芳 thesis pdf(2566)
2009 An optimal strategy of natural hedging for a general portfolio of insurance companies 洪德全、Hong, De Chuan thesis pdf(431)
2011 The insurance value of corporate social responsibility in Taiwan 張智媛、Chih-Yuan, Chang thesis pdf(427)
2010 Decision making and impact analysis in asset allocation for Taiwan life insurance industry 蔡沛然 thesis pdf(485)
2010 Controlling the Multi-Period Downside Risks in Delegated Portfolio Management 蔡漢璁、Cai, Han Cong thesis pdf(535)
2011 The impact of international financial reporting standards on life insurance company`s asset-liability management 廖伯軒、Liao, Po Hsuan thesis pdf(1041)
2010 The relationship between environmental risk management and the cost of capital and financial performance 張舒雲、Chang, Shu Yun thesis pdf(460)
2011 The strategy analysis of life insurance company by the concentration of bancassurance channel 吳子璦 thesis pdf(1094)
2010 A study of optimal asset allocation and reserve for variable annuities insurance with guaranteed minimum benefit 陳尚韋 thesis pdf(190)
2010 Equity financing and finite risk transfer in Taiwan life insurance market 曾柏馨 thesis pdf(856)
2009 Liability valuation, portfolio of assets and liabilities, and capital strengthening strategy: analysis of Taiwan life insurance industry 謝奇芳 thesis pdf(664)
2013 Non-Indemenity Based Flood Insurance 馬嘉嶸、Ma,Chia Jung thesis pdf(1329)
2012 Corporate Managerial Officers` Legal Risk and Transfer Mechanisms 湯璧瑄、Tang, Pi Hsuan thesis
2013 On the Performance Determinants of New Life Insurance Agents. 林恒旭 thesis
2013 The Impact of Bancassurance on the Performance of Life Insurance Companies in Taiwan 劉庭禎、Liou, Ting Jen thesis pdf(578)
2012 A study constructing bancassurance indicators for Taiwan 陳虹羽、Chen, Hung Yu thesis
2013 The Impacts of National Health Insurance on the Private Health Insurance Market and Medical Care Utilization: Evidence from Taiwan WEN-PIN LIU、Liu, Wen Pin thesis
2013 An Empirical Test on the Value-at-Risk Estimation of a Life Insurance Company 蕭國緯、Hsiao, Justin K.W. thesis pdf(254)