All Of Publications(Limit:College of Foreign Languages and Literature、Theses、2000-2009)

Showing 1-25 of 412
Date Title Author Type Full Text(downloads)
2007 A Thesis on Taiwan emigration regulations in earlier japanese ruling period(1895-1907) 李俊昌、Lee, Chun Chang thesis web page(853)
2008 A Word Added to Prefix [o] and Suffix [san] 橫山麻紀 thesis web page(816)
2004 Detouring: the Poetics and Politics of Jane Eyre 劉依綺、Liu, Yi-chi thesis web page(681)
2007 Interlanguage Refusals: A Cross-Cultural Study of EFL Learners in Taiwan and Native Speakers of American English 陳淑珠、Chen,Shu-chu thesis web page(686)
2007 Re-visiting the Efficacy of Note-taking in Academic Listening for L2 students 王彤心、Wang, Tung Hsin thesis web page(589)
2004 The Masculine Hero in American Popular Romances 唐偉中、Tang, Wei-chung thesis web page(540)
2006 Taiwanese Five-year Junior College EFL Students’ Beliefs 楊名暖、Yang, Ming Nuan thesis web page(530)
2006 What Happens as Big Ben Strikes? The Politics of City Adventure in Virginia Woolf`s Mrs. Dalloway 陳怡君 thesis web page(740)
2004 In Quest of Home: Three Female Writers` Negotiation with Displacement in the Age of Globalization 李怡瑩、Lee,Yi-yin thesis web page(935)
2005 \"A fairy tale, I`d like to believe\": Revision of the Fairy Tale and Female Subversion in Margaret Atwood`s The Handmaid`s Tale 林雅琦、Lin,Ya-chi thesis web page(592)
2008 A Sea narrative of becoming: A Deleuzian reading of Moby-Dick 黃崇福、Huang, Chung Fu thesis web page(692)
2002 An Analysis of Lexical Cohesion in Senior High School Student`s Compositions 諶慧敏、Hui-min Chen thesis web page(1213)
2003 國中生對於使用英文報紙為閱讀輔助教材之回應:個案研究 黃振祥、Huang, Chen-hsiang thesis web page(550)
2003 A Study of Vocabulary Frequency in Senior High School English Textbooks 范龍妹、Fan, Lung-mei thesis web page(624)
2003 The Effects of Reader Response Approach on English Poetry Teaching in Senior High School 金慶芳、Chin, Ching-fang thesis web page(454)
2005 A Cross-cultural Study on the Refusal Behavior of the Junior High School Students in Taiwan 潘莉敏、Pan, Li-min thesis web page(531)
2004 Advance Organizers with Video Instruction on Industrial Vocational High School Students` Listening Comprehension 蔡朱蓉 thesis web page(1285)
2004 The Effects of English Teaching on Aboriginal Junior High School Students` Attitudes and Motivation in Taiwan 張芳莉、Chang,Fang-li thesis web page(499)
2007 The Effect of English Immersion Preschools on Primary School Students` English Learning Attitude -- A Case Study in Taoyuan 明玥芳、Ming, Yueh-fan thesis web page(456)
2007 An Analysis of Taiwanese junior high students` performance on causative verbs HSIU-MEI HSU、Hsu, Hsiu Mei thesis web page(682)
2003 A Study of the Effect of Word Analysis Instruction on Vocabulary Acquisition in a Taiwanese Senior High School 徐鍬鳳、Hsu, Chiou-feng thesis web page(487)
2004 後設認知教學策略對高中生英文作文的成效 鄒美芸、Tsou,Mei-yun thesis web page(980)
2005 The Role of Predictive Words in Reading Comprehension Instruction 趙淑亭、Chao, Shu-ting thesis web page(466)
2004 The Use of Metadiscourse to Teach High School Students` Reading Comprehension 楊憶琴、Yang, Yih-chin thesis web page(460)
2005 The Effectiveness of Various Ability Groupings in an EFL Cooperative Learning Classroom 邵敏惠、Shao,Min-huei thesis web page(991)