1992 |
股票公開收購制度之硏究 |
涂春金 |
thesis |
web page(235) |
1991 |
勞動集體爭議權之研究 : 中美日三國法制之比較 |
蔡烱燉 |
thesis |
web page(280) |
1992 |
海事國際私法中船舶優先權之硏究 |
賴來焜 |
thesis |
web page(269) |
1994 |
涉外動產物權準據法之研究 |
謝說容、Xie, Shuo Rong |
thesis |
web page(192) |
1996 |
國際私法上公司問題之研究 |
簡清忠 |
thesis |
web page(269) |
1996 |
專利制度與競爭制度調和之研究 |
Jium Fu Wen |
thesis |
web page(283) |
2013 |
Challenges for Non-Consumer Standard Form Contract under Taiwanese Law |
許芳瑜、Hsu, Fang Yu |
thesis |
web page(336) |
2016 |
A Study of Public trial-with analysis of the secret trial in the Family Proceedings Act |
劉欣宜 |
thesis |
web page(274) |
2016 |
Study on Crime of Import Counterfeit and Decriminalization of Bringing Unapproved Drugs for Personal Use |
洪國登、Hung, Kuo Teng |
thesis |
pdf(1673) |
2016 |
The Study on the Disputes of Separatin Disposition of Building and Land in Taiwan: Preliminary Trial for Legislative Reforms |
許凱翔 |
thesis |
pdf(1255) |
2010 |
Legal Issues of Corporate Donations |
黃柏堯 |
thesis |
web page(362) |
2012 |
A Study on the Role of Independent Expert in Merger and Acquisition |
黃筱文、Huang, Shiau Uen |
thesis |
web page(314) |
2016 |
The Research on the System of Deposit Insurance in the PRC |
蔣瑞芝、Chiang, Jjui Chih |
thesis |
pdf(188) |
2015 |
The research of correctness and related compliance for indirectly personal information files collection |
章鈺 |
thesis |
web page(539) |
2016 |
The Study of Laws and Regulations of Financial Consumer Protection in China and Taiwan─Focus on the Retail Banking Wealth Management |
鄭孝邦、Cheng, Hsiao Pang |
thesis |
pdf(137) |
2013 |
Circumventing restrictions of the corporate personality in labor relations: A focus on job tenure |
李慈惠 |
thesis |
pdf(631) |
2016 |
The Development of Unconditional Right of Withdrawal in the Consumer Protection Law—Focus on the 2015 Amendments |
呂婉琦、Lu, Wan Chi |
thesis |
pdf(149) |
2015 |
張永慶、Chang, Yung Ching |
thesis |
pdf(218) |
2013 |
Practice of Piercing The Corporate Veil in Taiwan |
施宜妏 |
thesis |
web page(176) |
2016 |
A Study on Reverse Merges in China |
包靜悄 |
thesis |
web page(302) |
2016 |
The UnfairLabor Practice of Rejecting Collective BargainingーComprison of Theoretical Analysis and the Prcatice Experience between Japan and Taiwan |
張義德、Chang, I Te |
thesis |
pdf(374) |
2016 |
Product liability of food safety |
吳奕璇 |
thesis |
pdf(948) |
2016 |
A Study on the Regulation of Mainland China`s Direct Investment in Taiwan |
上官丹怡、Shang Guan, Dan Yi |
thesis |
web page(268) |
2015 |
The Research of Autonomy Supervision on Due Administrative Process --Focusing on Local Tax Legal Right |
高美莉、Kao, Mei Li |
thesis |
pdf(971) |
2016 |
A Study on the Insurance Effect and Payment Integration of Labor Insurance and National Pension Insurance |
楊宗儀、Yang, Tsung Yi |
thesis |
pdf(696) |