All Of Publications(Limit:Theses)

Showing 47876-47900 of 48142
Date Title Author Type Full Text(downloads)
1973 毛澤東與林彪權力鬥爭之研究 張邦文、Zhang, Bang-Wen thesis
2009 The study of mobile TV regulatory framework and business model 李駿、Lee, Jun thesis pdf(1727)
1988 臺北市地價變遷與空間分佈之研究 : 兼論捷運系統對地價之影響 李育坤 thesis web page(378)
2010 A study of the relationship between teachers` career development stages and teaching effectiveness in elementary school 徐蔚文 thesis pdf(1005)
2018 Cost-effective of investing Fintech case study- focus on mobile payment in bank 黃奕昕 thesis pdf(19)
2013 The Operation Form and Analysis of Compulsory Insurance in Taiwan-A Study of Student Group Insurance 鄭乃瑄 thesis pdf(1241)
1984 我國現階段民族精神教育政策之研究 朱貞凌 thesis web page(357)
1976 中共「人民軍隊」研究 鄭子明、Zheng, Zi-Ming thesis
2015 The Role of The Seller’s Stock Performance and Ownership in The Announcement Effect of Corporate Sell-offs 鄭閎駿、Cheng, Hung Chun thesis
2012 勞工「公益揭發」之保護︰以日本公益通報者保護法為核心 陳勇安 thesis web page(664)
2018 Design and Implementation of a Multi-tenant Cloud Platform for Cyber-Physical Interactive Performance Art 王佑霖、Wang, You Lin thesis pdf(62)
1986 中共「整黨整風」之研究. (1978-1985)--一個計劃性組織變革個案的探討 蔚承一 thesis web page(667)
2006 從框架下的主管回饋看部屬的面子知覺對自我、主管、組織之評價的影響:以兩岸員工為例 林立揚 thesis pdf(838)pdf(730)pdf(794)pdf(832)pdf(1152)pdf(2187)pdf(1780)pdf(850)pdf(951)pdf(2257)pdf(1886)
2009 MOU-HSIN HUANG thesis web page(683)
2016 The impact on energy security of US Middle East foreign policy tool of choice-A Case Study of American Oil Production 邱信國、Chiu, Hsin Kuo thesis pdf(1000)
2019 Meta-analysis of the distributed leadership of principals of the primary and secondary schools in Taiwan 呂佳盈 thesis
2017 The clothing industry and fashion changes in Republic of China, 1927-1936 陳晧昕 thesis pdf(911)
2009 A study on the application of CPFR for 3C distributor 陳銘驥 thesis web page(991)
2019 “OHANA Play Café” kid´s café in El Salvador 龔安亞、Rivas, Andrea Maria Gonzalez thesis pdf(91)
2016 China and Russia`s Policy Research of Shanghai Cooperation Organization 王宣堯 thesis
1978 電子工業品質管制實務問題之研討 張文嶺 thesis web page(298)
2016 Picture Book as Assisted Reading Materials in Teaching Chinese for Adult Beginners 張郁笙、Chang, Yu Sheng thesis pdf(175)
2000 部屬對主管領導行為知覺、相關情境因素二者與部屬對主管反應及工作行為的關係 王榮春 thesis web page(362)
1995 證券價格訊息分配之研究 陳立偉、Chen, Li Wei thesis
2004 臺灣與東協五國電機產品之產業內貿易及其決定因素 黃珮茹 thesis web page(280)