2019 |
A study of e-Learning motivation and learning effectiveness of firefighters in Taipei City Government |
甘瑞雯、Kan, Jui-Wen |
thesis |
pdf(84) |
2019 |
The library resource integration between the school library and public libraries in the border areas : A study of an elementary school in Guishan district of Taoyuan city |
呂依芳、Lu, Yi- Fang |
thesis |
pdf(0) |
2019 |
The effect of reading comprehension for students with disabilities on concept mapping skills into teaching Mandarin expository text |
張佳琦、Chang, Chia-Chi |
thesis |
pdf(1) |
2019 |
A Study of the Criteria to Select Class Co-reading Books on Elementary School |
林斐琪、Lin, Fei-Chi |
thesis |
pdf(0) |
2018-10 |
是殺人魔王還是史詩英雄?評森谷公俊著,黃鈺晴譯,《亞歷山大的征服與神話》,臺北:八旗文化,2018 |
CHIH-HUNG CHEN、Chen, Chih-hung |
article |
pdf(298) |
2018-09 |
十九世紀初至二十世紀中德國史學裡亞歷山大大帝形象的轉變 |
CHIH-HUNG CHEN、Chen, Chih-hung |
article |
pdf(310) |
2016-12 |
夫子不言性與天道?──經典詮釋與出土文獻兩條路徑的重新省思 |
CHIH-HAO WANG、Wang, Chih-hao |
會議論文 |
web page(341) |
2018-01 |
「幻境」與「他方」:《太平廣記》的兩種「異域」書寫 |
CHIH-HAO WANG、Wang, Chih-hao |
會議論文 |
2015-01 |
杜恕《體論》的思想與侷限 |
ZI-QI SU、Su, Zi-qi |
會議論文 |
2017-11 |
諸子的弱化:《文心雕龍》的「諸子」論述及其意圖 |
ZI-QI SU、Su, Zi-qi |
會議論文 |
pdf(0) |
2018-12 |
北宋士人政治文化考察──以范仲淹慶曆新政對科舉的改革為例 |
CHIH-HAO WANG、Wang, Chih-hao |
periodical articles |
web page(498) |
2018-09 |
The Verification of "Wen(Graceful)" and "Zhi(Plain)": A Study of "The Analects" and "Chunqiu Fanlu" |
CHIH-HAO WANG、Wang, Chih-hao |
periodical articles |
web page(455) |
2015-07 |
The Huang-Lao Origins of the Thought of the Inner Chapters of the Baopuzi |
ZI-QI SU、Su, Zi-qi |
periodical articles |
pdf(346) |
2018-09 |
The Success and Failure of Ruan Yuan`s Benevolence Theory in "Xiang Ren Ou" |
ZI-QI SU、Su, Zi-qi |
periodical articles |
web page(374) |
2018-12 |
「內在和」與「外在和」:錢穆〈中庸新義〉的淵源與價值 |
ZI-QI SU、Su, Zi-qi |
periodical articles |
web page(422) |
2019 |
漢晉諸子的弱化:《文心雕龍》的「諸子」論述及其意圖 |
ZI-QI SU、Su, Zi-qi |
periodical articles |
2019 |
《于湖詞》語言風格研究 |
郭偉倫 |
thesis |
pdf(201) |
2019 |
The Study on "Wildness" and "Countrymen"- Based on Pre-Qin Ancient Books |
呂偉豪、Lv, Wei-Hao |
thesis |
pdf(811) |
2019 |
A Study of Bao-liang`s Annotations to the Mahāparinirvāṇa Sūtra |
周佩儀、Chou, Pei-Yi |
thesis |
pdf(84) |
2019 |
The Study of the Northwestern Dialect during the Tang and Five Dynasties-Based on Dunhuang Vulgar Word |
陳羲彤、Chan, Hei-Tong |
thesis |
pdf(210) |
2019 |
The Mythology of Jade and the Cultural Symbol of Jade—before Han Dynasty |
李宛陵、Li, Wan-Ling |
thesis |
pdf(601) |
2019 |
Ethics of Free Movement: Cases of the EU and Brexit |
張均、Chang, Chun |
thesis |
pdf(179) |
2019 |
On the theory of Speech Acts from Intention and Convention |
余思潔、Yu, Si-Jie |
thesis |
pdf(356) |
2019 |
Kant`s Theory of the Highest Good |
CHENG-HAO LIN、Lin, Cheng-Hao |
thesis |
pdf(398) |
2019 |
Action Study on Integrating Inquiry Learning into High School English Writing and Student’s Writing Ability Improvement |
吳姿瑩、Wu, Tzu-Ying |
thesis |
pdf(187) |