All Of Publications(Limit:College of Social Science、1990-1999)

Showing 3551-3575 of 4686
日期 題名 Author Type Full Text(downloads)
1997 The social meaning analysis of the occupation in the urban pedestrian space 李碩慈、Lee, Shuo-Tzu thesis 說明頁(252)
1997 Study of land price influence the descision making of zoning control 丁秀吟Ding, Hsiu-Yin thesis 說明頁(411)
1996 Research on the relation of youth leisure and crime 劉素秋、Liu, Su-Chiu thesis 說明頁(254)
1997 The contemporary turn of sociology of knowledge 黃國清、Huang, Kao-Ching thesis 說明頁(341)
1996 The historical analysis of peasant`s health insurance: world system,state and civil society. 鄭志鵬、Cheng, Chi-Peng thesis 說明頁(357)
1996 A reserch of daoism temple board in I-Lan city 林靜怡、Lin, Ching-I thesis 說明頁(310)
1996 Social adjuestment and support network of single parent 李雯雯、Li, Wen-Wen thesis 說明頁(279)
1996 The relationship of material environment, social condition and welfare in community 李秉真、Lee, Ping-Chen thesis 說明頁(328)
1996 Educational equality and educational reform 黃崇松、Hung, Chung-Sung thesis 說明頁(362)
1997 Information Society Research in Liberalization and Privatization of Telecommunications 葉義輝、Yeh, Yih-Huei thesis 說明頁(332)
1996 The KMT state strength transition 陳必成、Cheng, Al thesis 說明頁(351)
1997 Monopolistis machinism of the consumption society 洪素梅、Hung, Su-Mey thesis 說明頁(276)
1997 The research of obscene phone call 林靜媚、Lin, Ching-Mei thesis 說明頁(323)
1997 The research of religion`s effect for cancer patient 黃湘惠、Haung, Shuing-Hui thesis 說明頁(306)
1997 Contemporary religious system and its envirnoment - to see Taiwan presbyterian from luhmann`s perspective 周凱蒂、Chou, Kai-Ti thesis 說明頁(319)
1997 The research on the life adapation of people with HIV in Taiwan 施侒玓、Shih, An-Ti thesis 說明頁(316)
1997 Historical analysis of the social security system from the perspective of reproduction 王明聖、Wang, Ming-Shon thesis 說明頁(406)
1997 The formation of urban space under the impulse of local government and foreign direct investment: a case study of real estate in Shanghai 吳孟旂、Wu, Meng-Chi thesis 說明頁(348)
1997 The reserch on effective factors of junior high school teachers` attitude of gender stereotype and gender education equity 賴友梅、Lai, Yu-Mei thesis 說明頁(292)
1997 The research on the poverty of elderly women - The factors of the poverty and major hardships 吳雅惠、Wu, Ya-Hui thesis 說明頁(340)
1998 邊緣台獨的「構框」與運動參與 吳明時 thesis 說明頁(254)
1997 我國電信事業民營化員工權益保障問題之研究 呂德明 thesis 說明頁(326)
1997 台灣地區企業福利之探討--政府與企業之責任劃分 黃財振 thesis 說明頁(293)
1997 性傾向與就業歧視之探討 賴麒中 thesis 說明頁(307)
1997 實施以訓代賑對失業女工影響之研究:以福昌紡織失業女工之個案為例 卓岱樺 thesis 說明頁(271)說明頁(275)