
Showing 1376-1400 of 1471
Date Title Author Type Full Text(downloads)
2020 The Effectiveness of Government Public Relation in Dealing with Disinformation: A Quasi-experimental Case Study on a Ministry at the Central Government 楊惠懿、Yang, Hui-I thesis pdf(91)
2020 A Research on the Selection of Presidents of National Universities 張瑋真、Chang, Wei-Chen thesis pdf(197)
2020 Is the Public Sector Less Innovative than the Private Sector?Is It a Stereotype or Difinition Difference? 張凱翔、Zhang, Kai-Xiang thesis pdf(86)
2020 A Study on the Implementation Experience of School Evaluation in Taipei City Municipal Junior High Schools 楊家瑋、Yang, Chia-Wei thesis pdf(0)
2020 Can`t you do this, or you are just afraid of it? An institutional ethnographic analysis of non-engineering professionals 宋孟純、Sung, Meng-Chun thesis
2020 Risk and Local Perception of Old Petrochemical Industrial Infrastructures: A Case Study of Dashe Petrochemical Industrial Park in Kaohsiung City 吳柏賢、Wu, Bo-Sian thesis pdf(612)
2020 A Study on the Performance-C Rating System for Civil Servants in Taiwan:Performance Management and Right Protection 蘇青灔、Su, Ching-Yen thesis pdf(0)
2020 Failure and Governance of Nonprofit Organizations: Design of Independent Evaluation Mechanism TONG-YI HUANGTONG-YI HUANG thesis pdf(0)
2020 The Role Conflicts and Adaptation for Faculties Who Serve as Administrators in Universities 楊禧瓊、Yang, Shi-Chiung thesis pdf(229)
2020 The Design and Changes of Public Policy: Taking the Tourism Subsidy Policy as An Example (2018-2019) 蔡孟宏、Tsai, Meng-Hong thesis pdf(255)
2020 A Feasibility Assessment on the Lesson-Drawing of Participatory Budgeting of Seoul Special City in Taipei City Government 張雅瑄、Chang, Ya-Hsuan thesis pdf(118)
2021 Policy Analysis and Tool Design from the Perspective of Behavioral Economics: A Case Study of Credentialism in Taiwan 賴怡樺、Lai, Yi-Hua thesis pdf(1287)
2021 A study of enhancement of government service quality from the perspective of data governance —take New Taipei City assistive device supersonic 2.0 program as an example 石純瑜、Shih, Chun-Yu thesis pdf(1127)
2021 Does the Status Affect Perception? A Study on the Viewpoint Differences on the Public Sector between the Public and Civil Servants 呂仁湘、Lu, Jen-Hsiang thesis pdf(0)
2021 New ideas for old buildings-Discuss the old house culture movement policy in Taipei from the perspective of policy innovation 蘇姵文、Su, Pei-Wen thesis pdf(0)
2021 The Comparative Study of Project Management in Public Sector: A Case of Participatory Budgeting and Smart City in Taipei City Government 林姿妤、Lin, Tzu-Yu thesis pdf(0)
2021 Applying Mixed Methods Research to Explore Emotional Labor, Career Calling and Job Satisfaction of Labor Inspectors in Taiwan 賴亮瑋、Lai, Liang-Wei thesis pdf(220)
2021 Regulatory Strategy on Social Media`s Digital Footprint - A Case Study of Facebook in Taiwan 陳柏安、Chen, Bo-An thesis pdf(299)
2021 The Responsive Evaluation on the Policy of Sport Talent Class at Senior High School – A Case Study of Baseball Team 蘇建禎、Su, Chien-Chen thesis pdf(199)
2021 Site for Establishment of Low Level Radioactive Waste Final Disposal Facility: A Case Study on Policy Risk Communication and Managemen 許鈺昕、Hsu, Yu-Hsin thesis pdf(192)
2021 A Study of Job stress and Work-Life Balance of Social Workers in the Public Sector: The Center for Prevention of Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault in Northern Taiwan 黃怡瑄、Huang, Yi-Xuan thesis pdf(209)
2021 A Study of Civil Servants` Intention to Join Public Employee Unions in Taiwan: The Perspective of Generations, Job Satisfaction, and Public Service Motivation 何昀峯、Ho, Yun-Feng thesis pdf(90)
2021 When Science Communication Meets Science, Technology and Society:Open The S Files as an Example 林慧盈、Lin, Hui-Ying thesis pdf(225)
2021 Preliminary Research Collaborative Governance and Innovation-A case study of taking Lingtan Street Regional Revitalization, Longtan District, Taoyuan City 羅育茵、Lo, Yu-Yin thesis
2021 A Research on the Application of Social Media in Promoting Pet Adoption 張懷文、Chang, Huai-Wen thesis pdf(135)